Books by Hadassah Treu
“DRAW NEAR: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings”
My book “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become a Birthplace of Blessings” has been officially released on March 15, 2024, by Calla Press Publishing! The book aims to help the readers not only to identify and accept their losses but more importantly to show them that each painful experience could be a birthing place of specific gains, benefits, and blessings.
From the latest book review: “Overall, I deeply appreciate the wisdom expressed throughout Draw Near by Hadassah Treu. She is a master at challenging the reader to renew their outlook.” Read the whole review HERE.
“I feel like Jesus had my friend Hadassah write her beautiful book just for me,” – Book Review at Fresh Grace for Today.
The Book of Comforts
In this “Book of Comforts” you’ll find comfort when you struggle with unmet expectations, disillusionment in faith, when you are in a season of pain, when your hope diminishes, when life gets hard, and much more. Reflection questions and a guided prayer follow each devotion.
How to Find the Courage and Strength Your Heart Craves
A devotional to help you find new courage and strength in different challenging life situations, containing devotions, focusing on 7 major areas of life, selected scripture, and scripture-based prayer after each devotion. Learn more HERE.
Poetry Books in Bulgarian
Пазителка на Спомени
Тази стихосбирка в памет на съпруга ми е за всички, които преминават през мрачната долина на скръбта. Тя ще ви помогне да осъзнаете и изразите собствените си болезнени емоции и ще ви подтикне отново да намерите радост и надежда. Ако желаете да поръчате книгата с автограф, пишете ми във Фейсбук или на емейла.
Залог за Друг Живот
„Залог за друг живот“ е сборник от насърчителни, мотивиращи, философско-естетически размисли на тема вяра, вечност, време и пространство, любов, поезия, мечти, скръб. За всички, които копнеят за нещо повече от това, което виждат очите. Прочети повече ТУК.
Devotional Contributor
I am a contributor to these books for several important online ministries. Click on the images below to learn more about these resources.
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So God Made a Grandma
Life Changing Stories: A Devotional Collection Revealing God’s Faithfulness and Transforming Power
Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart: 50 Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of Worry
A Testimony of Voices: 100 Devotionals Rising as One
A Movement of Hearts: 100 Devotionals Beating as One
Pandemic Devotionals: How the World Overcame Fear with Faith
Kissing Guilt Goodbye Devotional Anthology
Extinguishing the Spirit of Fear: 30 Devotions to Battle Fear and Anxiety
Equality – Created Equal in His Image
Christmas with Jesus: 25 Devotions for December
Grace Gab: Don’t Do Better, Do It With Jesus
Faith Talk: Christian Women & The Gospel
The Unity Book: ‘Overcoming’
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