Friend, what do you do when you feel abandoned by God? Abandoned. Left alone. Mistreated.
Continue reading “When You Feel Abandoned by God”How to Remain Hopeful Under Great Pressure
We all want to know the secret of how to remain hopeful under great pressure. Life is tossing us, pressing us on every side, and sometimes the pressure gets so intense that we despair for our lives or the life of a loved one.
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Disciplining Our Minds in Difficult Times
With this unprecedented pandemic, we need more than ever the art of disciplining our minds in difficult times. Thoughts have consequences. They affect our mental and emotional health. Not only our current thoughts but also our belief systems play a crucial role in our well-being and stability. When the crisis hit, it exposes and challenges our beliefs. Is our house built on sand or on a Rock?
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How to Overcome the Delusion of Hopelessness
The delusion of hopelessness is mainly a consequence of false beliefs. When we adopt an attitude of mistrust, suspicion, and despair, and it becomes a firm mind-set, then the delusion of hopelessness takes control.
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