God’s Encouragement for Successful Work

Do you feel overwhelmed by this enormous mountain in front of you? Then it is the right time to hear God’s encouragement for successful work.

You know God has given you this calling, this mission, this work, this assignment. However, you have also realized that you lack–you lack the resources, the knowledge, maybe the skills, the network, the money, etc. How can you accomplish the work? 

Gods Encouragement for Successful Work

The book of Ezra is a wonderful promise and encouragement for successful work. The first hint is the name Ezra that comes from the Hebrew word “Ezer” and carries the meaning of a helper, a companion, a partner, an indispensable pillar, and a strong vision. The Holy Spirit comes alongside and provides help, vision, understanding, and strength on our journey of life. God is our Helper, equipping us to do what He has called us to do.

The key to our success in work and ministry is our union with God. We may lack, but God has all the power and all the knowledge. All available resources belong to Him. He can and will provide everything we need to do the work and succeed at just the right time.

The key to our success in work and ministry is our union with God. #encouragement #success #BibleStudy Share on X

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God’s Encouragement for Successful Work

Gods Command for Provision

We see this principle beautifully illustrated in the Decree of King Darius. Along with the detailed instructions and roadmap of the assigned work (re-building God’s temple), King Darius also commands that nobody interferes with the work of the builders. (Ezra 6:3-7)

Moreover, the king commands that the expenses of the workers are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury so that the work will not stop. And whatever they need for the work and worship must be given to them daily without fail! (Ezra 6:9-10)

We can fully trust God that when He gives us a specific job to do, a calling, and a mission through which we worship and bring glory to Him, He has already all the necessary resources prepared. God is ready with a daily provision, but it is on us to seek, to ask, and to receive!

King Artaxerxes’ Letter to Ezra–Another Encouragement for Successful Work

The letter of King Artaxerxes to Ezra is another wonderful example and encouragement for successful work. This letter is an official decree and a royal command for complete provision for serving God in the specific areas He has assigned to us.  

Ezra is sent and equipped by the king with silver and gold to ensure proper conducting of the service in the temple.  Moreover, Artaxerxes commands all the treasurers in that province to provide whatever Ezra may ask of them–silver, wheat, wine, olive oil, and salt. The reason behind this command is to carry out the will of God with diligence. (Ezra 7:21-22)

God has issued his command for provision for those who serve Him. He has opened His treasury and invites us to make use of what we need. We have unlimited access to the throne of grace and the Source of all knowledge, wisdom, and power. But it is up to us to ask, receive, and use the provision.

God can and will provide everything we need at just the right time to accomplish our work. #encouragement #Christianliving #work #BlessingBloggers Share on X

Gods Command to Be Strong and Courageous

If we are tempted to stop, compare, quit, stray, pull back, settle, or give up, let’s not do it! Let’s remember that God commands us to be strong and courageous, determined, and confident because He, our Helper and Provider is with us.

„Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

The new things we are called to do may look like gigantic mountains in front of us making us afraid, insecure, and discouraged. However, let’s remember that God is bigger than any mountain and He deserves our focus and attention. He got us covered all the way.

5 Steps to Apply Gods Encouragement for Successful Work

  • Recognize you are on a mission and God wants you to succeed. Our primary mission and calling are to be God’s faithful witnesses and ambassadors expressing His nature and bringing Him glory.
  • Seek God and ask for what you need, trusting in His provision. “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (Psalm 105:4)
  • Work diligently from all your heart. God honors our dedication and efforts.
  • Abide and obey His word. Renewed daily obedience is God’s formula for successful work. (Joshua 1:7-8)
  • Seek and receive encouragement. To succeed, we need not only the required resources in the form of knowledge, skills, support, and materials. We need daily encouragement from God and other people to move on and grow.

More Helpful Resources for a Successful Life

If you need more resources on how to put these principles into practice and live a successful life, I could recommend these very helpful books:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Success is a Choice by John C. Maxwell

Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life by Tommy Newberry

Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer

Dream Big by Bob Goff

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What are your biggest struggles and challenges regarding work and ministry? If you find this post helpful, I would be happy if you share it on social media and leave a comment. Thank you!

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Renewed daily obedience is God’s formula for successful work. #success #work #encouragement #bgbg2 Share on X

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10 Replies to “God’s Encouragement for Successful Work”

  1. Such a good reminder that it is not about my capacity or resources but about God’s! And he has more than enough for any task he’s given me. Thanks for this encouraging post!
    Lots of love, Britta

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Britta! I am glad that the post encouraged you. Praying for God’s blessings to you and your work!

    1. Thanks for sharing this, Amy! I think this question is helpful when it helps us to pause and re-examine our priorities and activities.

      1. Oh, my! I just felt drawn to the topic, and I’m stunned when I read!
        I’m currently reading the book of Ezra – and this is just.on.the.money!

        God bless you, Hadassah.

        Saving to re-read and slowly savor!

  2. Thank you for sharing this timely post. I think we’re all looking to find purpose in our lives and our work. Often times, our work feels overwhelming and stressful. I think I look to find what it’s important and what is a distraction when challenged to get things done. One day at a time 🙂

    1. Thanks, Ana! I can so much relate – one day at a time! 🙂 I am trying to find new rhythms of work and rest for me, in this new season of my life.

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