The way to maintain an attitude of joy and satisfaction is to make the daily choice to refusе to worry. And turn the focus instead on the reality of God’s presence. This daily choice is enabled through the exercising of self-control in our thinking and being grateful. Another helpful way to dispose of the anxiety is in prayer. We do this knowing that God takes care of us. And that “He meets all our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. “(Philippians 4:19).
Stop asking hypothetical questions
Another practical step in maintaining a joyful perspective is to stop asking hypothetical questions about the past and the future. As to the past, these are questions such as: “What would it be if things had happened otherwise?” The Bible says that such an inquiry is not reasonable. The wise action is that we accept and reconcile with our past. We do this by deciding to take responsibility for our lives now. This also includes the revision of past experiences that still exert a strong influence.
The hypothetical questions with regard to the future usually go hand in hand with the development of various worst-case scenarios. For example: “What if this or that happens?” At the heart of these questions is fear, insecurity and taking control in an attempt to predict potential dangers. This way we try to provide some security and safety for ourselves.
God’s way is to give Him the control over things, situations, and people we can not control. Instead, we can pray for them and take our own responsibility for the things that are in our control, backed by God’s power, counsel and guidance. The refusal of posing hypothetical questions helps us to live here and now. It facilitates the cultivation of hope and joyful expectation of God’s work and intervention in every situation.
Be sure to pin me for later!
Be grateful
The attitude of joy is directly related to the exercising of gratitude at any time and under all circumstances. Even in the worst of the problems, there is something to be thankful for. For example for the comfort of God’s presence, waiting for His intervention and provision of a way out. We are too blessed in every and each moment to be stressed! Recognizing, acknowledging and embracing this truth is an important part of dealing with stress.
Learning to be satisfied, content and grateful in any situation is a fully achievable goal, although linked to a long process. When we learn to live satisfied by God’s love at all times, then we can say together with the apostle Paul: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.“ (Philippians 4:12).
Active rest
The attitude of joy and satisfaction is part of God’s rest which is active. It is connected with the assuming of our personal responsibility to appropriate through faith and to maintain within the limits of our mind, heart, decisions, and actions the very things God gives us in Christ – abundant life, peace, security, joy, contentment, and satisfaction.
Your Turn
Which of these steps is the most difficult for you? You are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments!
it is so hard to give up control to God, even though we know that this is the only right thing to do. But as true Christ’s followers, this is the way we must live! Life is so much easier when we’re able to do this and it’s a daily struggle. Such a great post with very helpful tips
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts! Yes, you are right – it is a daily struggle. If we walked by faith yesterday, it is not a guarantee for today, although it makes it easier. We need to be alert and sober in our minds focusing on what is true and good.