Disciplining Our Minds in Difficult Times

Disciplining our minds in difficult times

With this unprecedented pandemic, we need more than ever the art of disciplining our minds in difficult times. Thoughts have consequences. They affect our mental and emotional health.  Not only our current thoughts but also our belief systems play a crucial role in our well-being and stability.  When the crisis hit, it exposes and challenges our beliefs. Is our house built on sand or on a Rock?

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The Role of Struggle and Suffering in God’s Design for Transformation

the role of struggle and suffering

What is the role of struggle and suffering in human life? How often do we pray that God saves us from a particular struggle and suffering only to find out that we go exactly through this what we want to avoid? The doctor tells you bad news about your chances of having a child. Your father’s health is deteriorating. You lost a loved one unexpectedly.

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