Faith, working through love, is the way of finding and understanding our purpose, destiny, and mission, and that we are created for. And once we have discovered and understood it, again by faith we dare to move on. Continue reading “How to Have an Active Faith”
How to Respond with Faith instead of Fear
How do we respond with faith? What motivates us to act in a certain way? What stirs us towards specific deeds? There are two key motivators: fear or faith working through love. Continue reading “How to Respond with Faith instead of Fear”
3 Principles of Living and Growing by Faith
The opening of the way of faith and learning to walk in this way is, of course, only the beginning. The goal is a steady living by faith when faith is constantly growing and being perfected. In this way, faith becomes a major motivation and driving force. Only then we can fully achieve and experience God’s specific purposes and plans for our lives. Thus we can fulfill completely what we are created for.
Continue reading “3 Principles of Living and Growing by Faith”
How to Walk by Faith and Not by Sight
Everyone lives on the basis of what they believe. We have a whole system of convictions and beliefs where the object of faith plays a key role. What is the biblical faith and how do we walk by faith? Continue reading “How to Walk by Faith and Not by Sight”
Steps to Live Here and Now
How to overcome the worries and fears about the future and live here and now? What does the Bible teach us about this? Continue reading “Steps to Live Here and Now”
Obstacles on the Way to Spiritual Maturity
What are the most serious obstacles on the way to spiritual maturity? What hinders and prevents us from moving forward? How to move from good intentions to deeds? How to overcome the obstacles on the way of getting perfected as believers? Continue reading “Obstacles on the Way to Spiritual Maturity”
About Our Losses and Gains on the Way
I have watched recently a wonderful movie which I can only recommend – namely „Love’s Enduring Promise“ with Katherine Heigl. This movie shows beautifully how God as the God of the second chance deals with our losses and gains on the way. It is a story of how He redeems our tragedies and losses turning them into gains with eternal value. Continue reading “About Our Losses and Gains on the Way”