How to Receive God’s Blessings

Friend, do you know that God wants to bless you much more than you can expect and imagine? But we need to know how to receive God’s blessings.

We need to be aware that there is a process of preparation before God can bestow His blessings on us.

Let me share with you 4 ways God prepares us to receive His blessings.

#1 Realizing God is Our Greatest Need

Before blessing us, God wants us to need Him the most and realize He is and remains our greatest need. When we condition our hearts to make God our first and primary love and our greatest need every day, we are in the best position to receive His blessings. Making God our number 1 is a constant process, decision, and dedication. This way we declare that we are totally dependent on Him and that He is the Source of all our blessings.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  (Matthew 22:37)

When we condition our hearts to make God our first and primary love and our greatest need every day we are in the best position to receive His blessings. #Blessings #preparation #encouragementt Share on X

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#2 Allowing God to Break and Humble Us 

This step of preparation is a hard one. Every blessing is preceded by a process of breaking us and breaking is painful. God breaks and crushes us by letting us experience suffering, losses, disappointment, anguish and sorrow, and various kinds of distress. This way, He frees us from our pride, self-sufficiency, and self-righteousness.

He prepares us to be vessels that can hold His blessings and be blessings to others. Throughout the Bible, God uses broken things and broken people to shine His glory through and to release the aroma of Christ.

Let’s remember the example of Moses who was 40 years in the desert before He started His freedom mission, or David who was a shepherd and fugitive hiding in deserts and caves before he sat on the throne of Israel; or Paul who had been given a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble.

If you are currently in a process of breaking, take heart! God prepares you to receive precious blessings and to make you a blessing.

Throughout the Bible, God uses broken things and broken people to shine His glory through and to release the aroma of Christ. #encouragement #Biblestudy #suffering Share on X

#3 Learning to Wrestle with God in Prayer

Do you remember Jacob who wrestled a whole night with a “man”, called also an angel and God?  In the end, Jacob is given the name “Israel” and blessed, while the “man” refuses to give his own name. Jacob then names the place where they wrestled Penuel, meaning “face of God” or “facing God”(Genesis 32:22-32)

How do we wrestle with God? Most often, we wrestle with Him in prayer. We bring our problems, shortcomings, anguish, cares, and worries and wrestle with God until He blesses us. It is important to note that during the wrestling, as in the account about Jacob, the “man” touched his hip socket, and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint, so he began limping. In the same way, God touches and removes our greatest source of strength and self-sufficiency, preparing us for His blessings.

There is something more that happens when we wrestle with God. We receive new names and God develops in us a new identity. As Jacob was given the name Israel, meaning “the one who contends with God” or “the one who prevails with God”, so in Christ, we are given new names like “children of God” and “overcomers”. Learning to live from our new identity puts us in the best position to receive blessings from God.

#4 Learning to Be Honest and Transparent with God

The fourth way God prepares us to receive His blessings is by teaching us to be completely honest and transparent with Him. We need to learn how to pour out everything before God: every emotion, problem, question, and doubt. In that way, when we learn to unburden ourselves, we are in a better position to receive everything God wants to give us: peace, comfort, love, strength, joy, wisdom, and knowledge.

Job is a great example of unburdening before the Lord and being completely honest. Job poured out all his painful emotions, anguish, terror, questions, and doubts, wanting to hear from God, and longing to receive an answer. God approved of this behavior much more than the religious talks of his friends. And we know how richly God blessed Job at the end of his trial.

Another example is David, called a man after God’s heart. (Acts 13:22) We see David pouring out his heart without restraints in the many psalms he has written. David sought the Lord always and relied on Him in every situation. During his numerous trials, he has learned to unburden himself in the presence of the Lord and the Lord has blessed him with eternal blessings.

The Best Preparation to Receive God’s Blessings

The best preparation to receive God’s blessings is putting our relationship with God in the first place and investing ourselves in this relationship with all our hearts and minds. Allowing God to empty us from ourselves is a necessary prerequisite, so we can be filled with Him and can manifest the aroma of life and love to those around us. Let’s willingly submit to God’s process of breaking and humbling us, knowing this is God’s preparation to bless us abundantly and make us a blessing.

More Helpful Resources for You

If you need more resources to encourage you in the process of preparation to receive God’s blessings, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.

Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu

Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge

All Things New by John Eldredge

It’s not supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst

Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley

Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow by David Jeremiah

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God  by Timothy Keller

Prayer: Communing with God in Everything–Collected Insights by A. W. Tozer

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Your Turn

Which of these 4 ways of preparation can you identify in your life right now? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this post helpful. Thanks!

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The best preparation to receive God's blessings is putting our relationship with God in the first place and investing ourselves in this relationship with all our hearts and minds. #blessings #preparation #Compeltraining Share on X

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22 Replies to “How to Receive God’s Blessings”

  1. Hadassah,
    What a wisdom-filled, encouraging post. In my brokenness, I’ve searched for Him more than any other time in my life. Pain leads us to the point of surrender and teaches us about the heart of Jesus.

    Thank you for your beautiful words.


    1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, Tammy! Yes, it’s true – pain leads us to the point of surrender and teaches us about the heart of Jesus. Well said, friend! Blessings to you!

  2. I’m so thankful that when we humble ourselves before the Lord, drawing near to Him, He is faithful to draw near to us. He is so kind, gentle and loving. Thanks for sharing about God’s blessings, Hadassah.

    1. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, Lisa! Yes, our Lord is kind, gentle, and loving and always wants to bless and prosper us. Blessings to you!

  3. God blesses us in so many ways, I never thought about anything we needed to do in order to receive them. But you’ve brought up some great points. We can’t expect God’s blessings when we’re not in a right relationship with Him or are living selfishly. How we need to regularly ask Him to search our hearts and show us what we need to bring to Him to correct.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Barbara! I am glad you found the post helpful. Yes, you are right – we need to ask God regularly to search our hearts and align them with His.

  4. “Allowing God to empty us from ourselves is a necessary prerequisite, so we can be filled with Him and can manifest the aroma of life and love to those around us.” This truly is the starting point for us. Thanks for the wonderful insights.

    1. Thanks, Debby! Yes, it is very encouraging to know that doesn’t matter what happens God always desires to bless us.

  5. Wonderful insights, Hadassah! This is so true, “Allowing God to empty us from ourselves is a necessary prerequisite, so we can be filled with Him and can manifest the aroma of life and love to those around us.”

  6. I never thought about wrestling with God before. Your post has given me a new perspective on being more intentional about receiving blessings from God. Thank you for your insights!

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