How to Follow the High Calling

follow the high calling

To follow the high calling means to follow Jesus, that is, to follow and recognize His leadership and supreme authority. To know Him, to know His teaching, that is, the truth of the word of God and, above all, to apply this truth to our lives, to be doers, not just listeners. Not just fans but followers. But how does that work?

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14)

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3 Principles of Living and Growing by Faith

living by faith

The opening of the way of faith and learning to walk in this way is, of course, only the beginning. The goal is a steady living by faith when faith is constantly growing and being perfected.  In this way, faith becomes a major motivation and driving force. Only then we can fully achieve and experience God’s specific purposes and plans for our lives.  Thus we can fulfill completely what we are created for.

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