How to Overcome Insecurity the Right Way

If you are reading this article you want to know how to overcome insecurity and fear of failure. Are you called to do something? Do you feel inadequate, unqualified, insecure? Do you struggle with self-doubt and fear of failure? Are you tempted to give up? Take a deep breath, it is normal.

The Root of insecurity

Most often the root of insecurity is simply the realization that our resources, strength, talents, knowledge, and qualifications are not enough to do what we are called to do. We see how big and vast the calling and the mission God has for us are and we are painfully aware that we don’t have what it takes.

Or we start very enthusiastically full of zeal only to find out that things do not develop as we plan and imagine. And that there are so many obstacles and challenges on the way. We receive a rejection. A door closes. We want to move forward, but it seems we go backward or on a side road taking us away from what God has put in our hearts. We fail. 

Our insecurity surfaces every day and throws its painful questions and statements. “Why did you start this at all?” “It is madness to think you will ever succeed with this”, “You lack the knowledge and resources”, “You are not qualified to do this”, “You are just nobody” and the most poisonous “Why don’t you just give up and stop pursuing this?”

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Howo to Overcome Insecurity the Right Way

Insecurity Can be Beneficial

But it is good for us to doubt ourselves and not to place our security in our own capabilities and resources. It is beneficial to doubt our own capacity when this is the instrument propelling us closer to God and making us depend on Him.  

It is OK to feel weak because we can welcome God’s strength to shine in our weaknesses. We can depend on Him and boast with Him leaning on His strength every step of the way. In this way, we get to know Him deeper and deeper. 

It is better for us not to avoid but to embrace failure. Without failure, there is no true success. Failure is a great teacher exposing the condition and motivations of our hearts and keeping us on the path of humility. It is a necessary instrument of God’s arsenal of training and preparation tools for spiritual growth.

Failure is a necessary instrument of God's arsenal of training and preparation tools for spiritual growth. #failure #preparation #spiritualgrowth #BibleStudy Share on X

How to Overcome Insecurity – Weapons of Truth

God wants us to succeed! He has not called us to fail in fulfilling our purpose. He provides everything for us to succeed – every day – wisdom, guidance, energy, support, people and resources.

God initiated our spiritual and other callings, He is leading the way, preparing us, and qualifying us and He will bring us to a successful end.  (Philippians 1:6)

It is important to align our goals, priorities, and definitions for success with Gods. The ultimate goal, the highest spiritual calling, and the ultimate success in God’s eyes are to know Him and walk in His ways. The mark of this success is visible in our character and the multifaceted fruit of the Spirit – love, patience, self-control, humility, kindness, joy, and hope. Our primary calling is to be His witnesses and ambassadors of His kingdom. Everything else flows down from this.

How to Overcome Insecurity by Increasing Our Trust in God

Here are some faith and trust boosters from Psalms 42, 43, and 44. Meditating on them will help us take our eyes off our insecurity and fears and increase our willingness to trust in God.

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:11, Psalm 43:5)

God is my Stronghold. (Psalm 43:2)

God is my Joy and my Delight. (Psalm 43:4)

Success and victory come through God, by His Spirit, and by His hand. Not by our arms, resources, and strength. (Psalm 44:2-3)

God is my King and my God who commands victories for me. He is the God of my success (Psalm 44:4)

I live, work, and succeed through Him and by His name. (Psalm 44:6)

I put no trust in my bow and my sword to bring me victory. I don’t put my trust and hope in my capabilities, talents, knowledge, qualifications, and connections. (Psalm 44:7)

I choose to boast in God all day long. (Psalm 44:8)

Click here for a printable of these quotes.

For more Bible verses in different translations and languages, you can visit  It is a great place to read and study the Bible.

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How to Overcome Insecurity Printable

The Most Important Condition to Overcome Insecurity

In Mark 6:30-42 we read about Jesus taking the available meager resources of the disciples, namely 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and multiplying them to feed 5000 men. However, soon after that, He rebuked the disciples caught in a storm for their hardened hearts that didn’t understand about the loaves. (Mark 6:52).

What did not they understand about the loaves? The first and most important truth to understand is that Jesus has all the authority and power, given to Him from God the Father. He has all the power and willingness to take our meager resources, weaknesses, and insecurities and make them more than enough to feed thousands upon thousands. It does not depend on us, and what we have, or don’t have – it depends on Him. All we need is a humble and soft heart choosing to trust Him every day and submit everything in His hands.

The best way to overcome insecurity is to develop God-security and God-confidence, trusting in the Lord with all our hearts and acknowledging Him in all our ways. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

More Encouragement for You

Failure is a painful experience but it has the potential to bring us closer to God and make us grow. One of the chapters in my book Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings is devoted to failure.

The book aims to help the readers not only to identify and accept their losses but more importantly to show them that each painful experience could be a birthing place of specific gains, benefits, and blessings.

Do you want to learn more about the book and read a chapter for FREE?


Draw near book

My Amazon Picks for You

Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert

Life Can Be Good Again by Lisa Appelo

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst

Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley

Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge

All Things New by John Eldredge

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Failure is a great teacher exposing the condition and motivations of our hearts and keeping us on the path of humility. #failure #motivation #humility #Bible Share on X

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20 Replies to “How to Overcome Insecurity the Right Way”

  1. For the most part, I don’t struggle with insecurity—but that’s probably because I make it a habit to stay secure in my relationship with God. When I feel least secure is when I feel most distant from him.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Yes, the confidence to overcome is very important and extremely powerful when it is rooted in trusting God and relying on His power.

  2. I love the thought about how weakness causes us to depend on God. God can use our failures to encourage others as well. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Yes, failures are definitely part of the game and they can bring us and others a lot of good.

  3. Excellent suggestions. I have struggled with insecurity however I no longer do. I’ve learned so much about trusting God and the bigger plan. One of my favorite simple things to do, if doubt or insecurity or anxiety tries to trip me up is to say aloud, or in sign language, “I’m with Him.” It works every time by shifting my perspective.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Cindy! Yes, acknowledging the presence of God and shifting the perspective is a great way to deal with insecurity.

  4. It’s so true that God’s strength shines in our weaknesses. I love the verses you included and the insights you shared. When I think of the way God loves me unconditionally, that gives me confidence. Appreciate your post!

    1. Thank you, Diane!:) I am happy that you found this post helpful. May God help us stand this year in greater confidence rooted in Him!

  5. “It is OK to feel weak because we can welcome God’s strength to shine in our weaknesses.” I can agree fully to that, thx.

    1. Thank you! So often we fight our weaknesses but it is much easier to acknowledge them and ask for God’s strength to sustain and carry us through.

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