God’s Love is Greater Than Life – 4 Reasons Why

In Psalm 63 David makes an astounding statement – God’s love is greater than life itself. But what makes God’s love greater than life and why?

Our earthly life is short and not easy. It is marked by daily struggles, pain, disappointments, troubles, losses, and suffering in one way or another. We are exposed to chaos. There is not one day that develops according to our plans and expectations. The joys we encounter are fleeting and of short duration.

We live in the in-between zone, between the Garden of Eden and the time when everything will be made new. We know deep down that our life is not supposed to be this way. And we long for satisfaction, for lasting peace and joy, for rest.

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God‘s Love Defines us

Gods Love Is Greater Than Life Because It Is the Answer to the Longing for Satisfaction

David penned his Psalm 63 in the desert, in the middle of extreme circumstances, and intense internal conflict. He was hiding from Saul who wanted to take his life. (1 Samuel 23:14-16) David was in danger, alone and isolated in the harsh desert conditions with limited resources.

There was also an internal struggle going on. His circumstances differed so much at that moment from the promises he received from God. He struggled to remain hopeful, to keep his faith and peace, and to trust God’s way and God’s plan.

This intense external and internal struggle leads to a desperate longing to experience God’s loving presence and to be satisfied by Him. In this longing and search for God amidst great struggle and anguish, David acknowledges and embraces the truth that experiencing God’s love is better than life. (Psalm 63:3).

Life disappoints and is not able to satisfy completely. Only God’s constant love and steady devotion can satisfy us fully. (Psalm 63:5)

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God's Love is Greater than LIfe

Gods Love Is Greater Than Life Because It Transforms Our Reality

The second reason is that God’s love affects and transforms our reality. It does so in many different ways. In Christ God loves and accepts us forever. His love is never leaving, ever-present, and eternal. By the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit, He can love us in every situation giving us what we need most.

God's love defines us and gives us meaning and purpose. #Godslove #purpose #identity #BibleStudy #bgbg2 Share on X

When we are down and discouraged, the love of God comforts and lifts us up. His love restores our hopes and gives us the strength to overcome and go on. It changes our perspective and provides guidance, clarity, and wisdom.

His love heals. It makes us able to experience deep joy and peace amidst our struggles. God’s love defines us and gives us meaning and purpose. By God’s redeeming love our daily struggles and suffering are not in vain.

Gods Love Is Greater Than Life Because It Transcends Life and Its Sorrows

God is the Creator and the Source of life. Because He is greater than life, His love is greater, more valuable, and desirable than life. It transcends earthly life and its sorrows and remains forever.

God’s love does not allow life’s troubles, pain, sorrows, and losses, to separate us from Him, rob our joy, crush us, and destroy us. It has a mighty protective and preservation power, keeping us and preserving our souls and inner beings.

Despite our circumstances, by believing and experiencing God’s love we are not desperate, not abandoned, and not destroyed! (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).

Nothing Can Separate From the Love of God

The most amazing thing about the love of God is the power that conquers and subdues everything. Nothing in the world has the power to separate us from the love of God, which He displays in Christ Jesus.

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither the present nor the future … nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (Romans 8:38-39).


Yes, God’s love is better, sweeter, larger, more desirable, precious, valuable, and greater than life. Once we have believed and experienced this love, we respond naturally by praising and worshipping God.

When we choose to turn to His love, remember, acknowledge it, focus on it, and lean on it by faith, then His love is freely working in us. (Galatians 2:20) The outcome is full satisfaction, renewed strength, hope, joy, and peace as well as a transformed heart and life.

More Helpful Resources for You

If you need more resources and encouragement in your Christian life, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.

How to Find the Courage and Strength Your Heart Craves by Hadassah Treu

A Testimony of Voices: 100 Devotionals Rising as One by EnLiven Devotionals

A Movement of Hearts: 100 Devotionals Beating as One by EnLiven Devotionals

Transforming Your Thought Life  by Sarah Geringer

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow by David Jeremiah

Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics by William Lane Craig

Faith Talk: Christian Women & The Gospel  by Heather Hart and contributing authors

Suffering and the Heart of God by Diane Langberg

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Your Turn

How and in what situations have you experienced that God’s love is better than life itself? Come share your thoughts in the comments!

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God's love is greater than life because it transforms our reality, transcends life and its sorrows, and can satisfy us completely. #Godslove #satisfaction #transformation #Bible #bgbg2 Share on X

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12 Replies to “God’s Love is Greater Than Life – 4 Reasons Why”

  1. What a hopeful article! O have experienced God’s love in very tangible ways in my life. Surprisingly, in moments of discipline I experienced his loving embrace powerfully.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it is really amazing how God finds tangible ways to express His love in every situation, giving us what we need most.

  2. It’s amazing how God’s love can sustain us through our trials and difficulties. It truly is something solid and stable for us to depend on.

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