Have you struggled with panic attacks? I did. The journey to freedom from panic attacks has been a long one. It takes time, patience, and putting faith into practice.
Continue reading “My Journey to Freedom from Panic Attacks”Overcome the Fear of the Unknown – 5 Strategies
How can we overcome the fear of the unknown?
Continue reading “Overcome the Fear of the Unknown – 5 Strategies”Fighting the Fear of the Unknown with God’s Word
How are you fighting the fear of the unknown when it is gripping you? The uncertainty of a crucial medical check. The start of a new job. The relocation in another city. Do you know that God addresses very specifically the fear of the unknown in His word?
Continue reading “Fighting the Fear of the Unknown with God’s Word”
How to Have Relationships Based on Love
Our relationships are often an arena for exercising control and demonstrating power in which the roles of victims and abusers periodically change. How do we break this pattern and get out of these roles? What is the path to relationships based on love? Continue reading “How to Have Relationships Based on Love”
Can’t Stop Worrying? Try God’s Anti-anxiety Therapy
How can we address anxiety and worry? What is God’s anti-anxiety therapy? No one is immune to fear and anxiety. That is why the Word of God is full of encouraging and comforting words. The central message of God’s love is: “Do not be afraid, do not worry! Trust me and put your hope in Me!” Continue reading “Can’t Stop Worrying? Try God’s Anti-anxiety Therapy”
How to Live in the Rhythm of God’s Love
The rhythm of life is change and development, itineration and returning. From our conception and birth, we constantly go through different phases of going in and going out. The fear of change, of the unknown and of the future are varieties of the fear of life. We can live our lives either in the rhythm of fear or in the rhythm of God’s love. Continue reading “How to Live in the Rhythm of God’s Love”
The End of Our Fears – 3 Concepts. Which One Is Yours?
Do our fears and worries have an end? When does this end come? The answer points to our hopes and goals for the future. It also affects our concept of happiness and its achievability. There are three main worldviews answering this question. Continue reading “The End of Our Fears – 3 Concepts. Which One Is Yours?”
A Victim or a Victor? Breaking Free from the Victim Mentality
Are you a victim or a victor? Many people struggle with the victim mentality. How we think defines how we live. We can not control what happens to us, but we can exercise self-control in our thinking. Continue reading “A Victim or a Victor? Breaking Free from the Victim Mentality”
How to Respond with Faith instead of Fear
How do we respond with faith? What motivates us to act in a certain way? What stirs us towards specific deeds? There are two key motivators: fear or faith working through love. Continue reading “How to Respond with Faith instead of Fear”
Steps to Live Here and Now
How to overcome the worries and fears about the future and live here and now? What does the Bible teach us about this? Continue reading “Steps to Live Here and Now”