Why is love the most important? Have you thought about which is the most important thing in your Christian life? Is it faith or perhaps spiritual gifts, or maybe perseverance?
What Does It Mean to Be Servants of God
What does it mean to be servants of God? What characteristics are we to exhibit as servants of God? Based on 2nd Corinthians chapter 6, we can identify 10 characteristics of the true servants of God.
Confession of Love – a Poem for Him
“Confession of Love” is a poem dedicated to my husband. After some rocky and difficult years of marriage, I found that my love had grown stronger. I have been learning to forgive, to let go of past hurts, and to let God heal my wounds. “Confession of Love” is a poem for him, for the man in your life, a poem for your husband.
New Direction – a Poem
New Direction – a poem about choosing to forgive, let go, and move on. Get a little inspiration and encouragement and take a step towards the new life and future God has for you.
God’s Love is Greater Than Life – 4 Reasons Why
In Psalm 63 David makes an astounding statement – God’s love is greater than life itself. But what makes God’s love greater than life and why?
Continue reading “God’s Love is Greater Than Life – 4 Reasons Why”
The Three Sisters – Faith, Hope and Love
Faith sees beyond space and time and knows that everything is already as it should be. Hope dwells with the expectation of seeing in the physical reality what faith sees in the spiritual. And love is the eternal dimension that remains forever.
No, You Are Not Designed for Boredom but for Adventures
How do you look at your life? Do you know you are designed for adventures and action?
Continue reading “No, You Are Not Designed for Boredom but for Adventures”
3 Principles of Peacemaking in Relationships
Peacemaking in relationships is based on three basic principles – these are the truth, the love, and the good.
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How Godly Goals Can Bring Peace in Relationships
Peace in relationships is a part of our inheritance in Christ. To make and maintain peace in our hearts and with other people is an important mission and purpose God gave us. Continue reading “How Godly Goals Can Bring Peace in Relationships”
The Best Solution to the Longing for Peace
Most people have the longing for peace – world peace, peace in society, peace in relationships, peace of the heart. Peace seems to be the highest good, utopian, and unattainable. Continue reading “The Best Solution to the Longing for Peace”