Friend, if you are in pain, let’s remember today the greatest possible comfort: the Lord is there. He is there in the ruins, in the pain, in the garbage, in the suffering, in the darkness and hopelessness. He not only knows; He also feels our pain.
Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at for Devotable about how the constant presence of the Lord is our greatest comfort.
A look at my phone confirmed my fears: it was him again, calling in the middle of the night with unreasonable, ridiculous demands. My heart raced, and I gulped for air. It was a situation going for years, and with time it became worse and worse. I could no longer stand the crushing burden and this constant harassment of my aging, sick father.
I have prayed for so many years for him, took care of him when needed, and endured his aggressive and often offending words. Instead of better, it became even worse.
God, where are you? When will you show up and show mercy? Where are you?
Friend, if you have asked these questions of excruciating pain, let’s remember today and draw comfort from Jehovah Shammah–the Lord is there. (Ezekiel 48:35)
Remember to pin me for later!
The Greatest Possible Comfort–The Lord Is There
The Lord showed up at the beginning of the book of Ezekiel in the least possible place the Jews expected him–in the place of their captivity and exile; He showed in Babylon! We need to have in mind that the Jews had a very strict religious system and the Law. The Lord’s presence was expected to appear in His temple, but definitely not in Babylon.
Not only the Lord appeared in Babylon, but He also appeared to the prophet Ezekiel in a majestic, glorious, breath-taking vision that simply blew Ezekiel away. Can you imagine seeing God in His glory, majesty, and beauty, seated on his throne carried by the four living creatures? (Ezekiel 1:22-28)
Then at the end of the book, when describing the future city and dwelling of His people, the Lord revealed His constant presence and care with the name Jehovah Shammah, meaning “the Lord is there”.
What does this mean for us, in our pain, suffering, and despair?
The Lord Knows and Feels Our Pain
It means that the Lord is there, always present and intimately involved in our earthly lives, while preparing us for eternity with Him. We can see the marks of Him being there in our preservation, endurance, and overcoming adversity.
The Lord is there is the greatest possible comfort! He is there in the ruins, in the pain, in the garbage, in the suffering, in the darkness and hopelessness. He not only knows; He also feels our pain.
When you doubt–the Lord is there.
When you are overwhelmed with grief–the Lord is there.
When you break down–the Lord is there.
When you can’t take it anymore–the Lord is there.
When you worry and fret- the Lord is there.
The Lord is there–knowing, feeling, holding, comforting, and working.
Read the rest of the post at and be strengthened and encouraged.
Find More Comfort in These Books
If you find yourself in a season of grief and pain, I can recommend highly these books. They have helped me tremendously in processing my grief. Check them out.
Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu
The Grief Guidebook: Common Questions, Compassionate Answers, Practical Suggestions by Gary Roe
Widowed Walk: Experiencing God After the Loss of a Spouse by Gary Roe
Comfort for the Grieving Spouse’s Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Partner by Gary Roe
A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L. Sittser
A Grace Revealed: How God Redeems the Story of Your Life by Jerrry L. Sittser
Your Turn
Where do you run for comfort when you are in pain and distress? If this devotion has encouraged you, please share it on social media so it can encourage others. Thanks!
The Lord is there, always present and intimately involved in our earthly lives. He is there in the ruins, in the pain, in the garbage, in the suffering, in the darkness and hopelessness. @devotableapp #encouragement #hope Share on X Whatever happens, remember that the Lord is there. This truth is the greatest possible comfort in every painful circumstance. @devotableapp #comfort #hope Share on XDo you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!
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Just knowing the Lord is with me at all times is the greatest possible comfort in the world.
Thanks, Gina! Yes, knowing and experiencing God’s presence is so powerful!
Good read. I needed some of the greatest comfort last week when my dog passed away. Thanks.
MIke, I am so sorry about your dog… Praying comfort to you!
I’m so grateful that the Lord offers us the greatest possible comfort, which is His presence. No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m not alone. Thank you for reminding me of that.
Thanks, Lisa! Yes, knowing and experiencing the reality of being not alone is one of the biggest sources of comfort and strength.
There is so much comfort in knowing the Lord is near in our broken-heartedness. Many times this has been such a necessary truth for me!
Thanks so much, Kara! Yes, this is one of the most comforting truths!
This is beautiful! I love your repetition of the phrase “the Lord is there” even as a variety of hard things hit us. What a difficult circumstance with your father. Thank you for being vulnerable about this because I’m sure others have experienced something similar and will find comfort here. I’m praying for this situation, friend!
Thanks so much, Patti! I appreciate your kind words and prayers! Blessings to you!
That’s the greatest comfort–that no matter what is going on in our lives, God is there with us.
Thanks, Barbara! Yes, He is always with us. In our walk, work, and life we are never left on our own.