Do you know that there are 12 major types of spiritual comfort we can receive according to God’s word?
I was just checking the latest news on my phone when an ad for a holiday in Egypt including a cruise on the Nile caught my attention and made me freeze. I gulped for air and was unprepared for the sharp pain cutting through my stomach. Again, grief caught me off guard.
This was exactly the holiday my husband dreamed of in the last years before he suddenly passed away. The pain of one more unfulfilled desire added to the pile of the losses that keep cumulating with his death. I am desperate for Your comfort, Lord.
The Three Components of Comfort
But what is comfort? According to the various dictionaries, comfort equals giving strength, hope, and help.
Yes, we need strength to endure the pain. We also need hope to keep going and trusting that we will see good in our lives. And we need help. It could be a practical help to solve an overwhelming problem or help to see things from another perspective or help to start healing.
12 Types of Spiritual Comfort
Friend, I have good news for you – our God is a comforter. In fact, in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit who indwells every believer is called a Comforter.
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.” (John 14:16 Amplified Bible)
In every moment and every situation, we have the best Comforter by our side, who is perfectly able to give us consolation, strength, hope, and wise counsel.
More than that, Psalm 119 reveals 12 major types of spiritual comfort available to the believer stemming from God’s promises and His unchangeable word.
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1) Aleph – Comfort Through Obedience
Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. (Psalm 119:1)
There is a big comfort in following the ways of the Lord and obeying His teachings and instructions. Obedience opens our hearts and minds to His inexpressible peace. It also brings us joy and deep satisfaction.
2) Daleth – Comfort Through Preservation and Strengthening
I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to your word. (Psalm 119:25)
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. (Psalm 119:28)
Comfort comes to us when we experience how the Lord preserves and strengthens us. We can and will experience many difficulties, and even tragedies, but they will not destroy us. On the contrary, with the strength from God, we can survive, become stronger, and bear good fruit in the land of our afflictions.
3) Waw and Yodh–Comfort Through God’s Unfailing Love and Salvation
May your unfailing love come to me, Lord, your salvation, according to your promise. (Psalm 119:41)
May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. (Psalm 119:76)
One type of spiritual comfort is experiencing God’s unconditional and unwavering love in our pain and suffering. Because His eternal love and salvation transcend our realities, they are better than life. God’s love is the universal balm to all our painful experiences.
4) Zayin–Comfort Through Remembering God’s Promises
Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. (Psalm 119:49-50)
Remembering God and His Words is a great way to receive comfort. It is good to remind Him of His promises at all times and all places: in the night, during the day, wherever we lodge. (Psalm 119: 54-55). The fulfillment of His promises leads to restoration and comfort.
5) Heth – Comfort Through the Right Relationships
I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)
We can receive great comfort through the right relationships. When we interact with other believers, who worship the Lord in truth and spirit, we can receive precious encouragement, support, and practical help. Moreover, we see that we are not alone.
6) Teth – Comfort from Knowledge and Good Judgment
Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands. (Psalm 119:66)
Comfort comes from changing our perspective and good discernment. Often, we need to see the situation in another light, or from another angle to gain comfort and hope
7) Lamedh –Comfort Through Delighting in God’s Law
If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. (Psalm 119:92)
Sometimes there is no resolution of a painful situation or the solution is not what we hope for. Then choosing to delight in God’s eternal word and truths can be a life-saver. It helps us lift our gaze from the pain and focus it on God’s promises that will for sure come true.
8) Samekh – Comfort Through Sustenance and Hope
Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. (Psalm 119:116)
Passing through the valley of the shadow of death and coming out alive is not possible without God sustaining us. Experiencing His gentle care and provision daily is a great source of comfort.
9) Pe – Comfort Through Righteous Life and Protection from Human Oppression
Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts. (Psalm 119:133–134)
We can draw big comfort from the fact that God enables us to live a righteous life and leads us in freedom from the oppression of sin and human violence. Protecting us from human manipulation, control, and evil schemes is one of God’s ways to comfort us.
10) Resh – Comfort Through God’s Redemption and Deliverance
Look on my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law. Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise. (Psalm 119:153-154)
Sometimes the biggest comfort comes from experiencing God’s deliverance in a particular situation. When a problem is solved, a conflict resolved, a disease healed, and a relationship restored, then the burden lifts and we are comforted.
11) Shin – Comfort Through God’s Peace and Guidance
Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. (Psalm 119: 165)
Another type of spiritual comfort is experiencing God’s peace and His individual guidance. God’s peace is the visible marker of His invisible presence and involvement.
12) Taw – Comfort Through Finding Satisfaction in God
I long for your salvation, Lord, and your law gives me delight. (Psalm 119:174)
The ultimate comfort in every painful experience is learning to find satisfaction in God alone. This means to draw strength from Him alone and invest our deepest longings in Him. Finding satisfaction in God is a process of deepening our friendship with Him and getting more of Him. And so we know that He is our true Comforter.
12 Types of Spiritual Comfort Printable
I have prepared a printable of the 12 types of spiritual comfort and the accompanying bible verses to help you meditate on them and receive comfort. Click on the image to download it.
Find More Comfort in These Books
If you find yourself in a season of grief and pain, I can recommend highly these books. They have helped me tremendously in processing my grief. Check them out.
Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu
The Grief Guidebook: Common Questions, Compassionate Answers, Practical Suggestions by Gary Roe
Widowed Walk: Experiencing God After the Loss of a Spouse by Gary Roe
Comfort for the Grieving Spouse’s Heart: Hope and Healing After Losing Your Partner by Gary Roe
A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L. Sittser
A Grace Revealed: How God Redeems the Story of Your Life by Jerry L. Sittser
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Your Turn
Which of these types of spiritual comfort have you experienced? Which are new to you? Share in the comments. If you found this post helpful, please share it on social media. Thanks!
The ultimate comfort in every painful experience is learning to find satisfaction in God alone. #comfort #satisfaction #encouragement Share on X Psalm 119 reveals 12 major types of spiritual comfort available to the believer stemming from God's promises and His unchangeable word. #comfort #Christianliving #Biblestudy Share on XDo you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!
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Been going back and forth on your blog.
I’ve experienced comfort in various forms, but 4,5,7,11 are the most predominant for me.
Hugs again
Thanks so much, Debby, for sharing your experience. Hugs and blessings to you too!
WOW! This is an amazing post! Thank you! #5 is where I am today; seeking healthy right relationships. These 12 types of spiritual comfort are very encouraging!
Thanks so much, Barbara! Praying for you and asking God to bring the right people in your life that are safe and accept you as you are.
Prayers of strength and comfort to you. I’m so sorry about the death of your husband. I have another friend who is grieving the loss of her spouse. What a beautiful and practical post on the different kinds of comfort!
Thanks so much, Ginger, for your encouraging comment and prayers! I am glad that you found the post helpful. Praying for your grieving friend!
I’m sorry for the loss of your husband. It’s so amazing to see the many different ways God has designed for us to receive comfort in our grief. This has been a blessing to read ❤️
Thanks so much, Kara! Yes, when we turn for comfort to God, He finds multiple ways to brings us consolation and hope.
Thank you so much for this post, Hadassah. The timing couldn’t have been better as my dad just passed away unexpectedly a few days ago. Number 6, Teth, definitely brought me spiritual comfort. “Seeing the situation in another light, or from another angle to gain comfort and hope.” I shared the post link with my sisters.
Thanks so much, Janice! I am very sorry for the loss of your dad. Sending prayers and hugs your way!
Thank you so much for translating your terrible loss into comfort for others. What an encouraging post! My prayers are with you, friend.
Thanks a lot, Patti! I hope and pray that God will use my pain and this terrible loss for good.
So many of these go back to God’s Word. What grace and comfort we find there and in His presence with us.
Yes, God’s word gives us life and sustains our souls in so many ways!