The Right Motivation for Our Callings

Do you know what is the right motivation for our callings and how can we follow our callings with expectancy instead of firm expectations?

Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at for Koinonia about the right motivation for our callings.

What Is a Calling?

Do you know what you are created to do? Do you know what is in the treasure toolbox God has already given you before you were born?

God invites us on a glorious adventure–unpacking our toolboxes, trying every tool, and learning to create and work with Him. Like all adventures, it is risky, exciting, challenging, and rewarding. It requires perseverance, discipline and motivation, and supernatural empowerment.

What if our creative callings are more about a journey than a destination, more about identity and less about works, more about being than doing?

Our callings are more about a journey than a destination, more about identity and less about works, more about being than doing. #calling #identity #motivation Share on X

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The Problem with Fixed Expectations

When I re-discovered my calling and passion for writing in my 40-ties and re-embarked again on this journey, I focused totally on the goals and results I need to achieve. Becoming a writer was my goal.

For me, a writer was someone who writes every day, or nearly every day, who produces books, articles, stories, poems, and most of all, whose works are published. This was my definition of a writer. So, I just needed to sit, write, and produce, right? Then at some given time, when I have a list (preferably not so short) of written and published works, then I can call myself a writer. Then I fulfilled my creative calling.

From the moment God stirred in me the desire and need to encourage others with words, I set my mind on some clear and fixed expectations.

After the first euphoria (hey, God has called me to write words that can help and transform lives), I assumed everything will go smoothly and without major obstacles and challenges. He has called me; He has equipped me; I have everything I need, so nothing can stop me, and nothing can go wrong. God will immediately open doors for me, and I will be successful, and maybe even famous… Ouch.

Read the rest of the post at and be strengthened and encouraged.


More articles on writing, blogging, and creativity you can find HERE.

More Encouragement for Bloggers, Writers, and Creatives

If you need inspiration and encouragement as a writer and creative, I can recommend these selected books on the writing life and creativity. Check them out.

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin

Do Your Art: A Manifesto on Rejecting Apathy to Bring Your Best to the World by Chad R. Allen  

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age by Jeff Goins

The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment’s Notice by Todd Henry

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life by Brian Grazer

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Your Turn

How can you follow your creative calling with fewer expectations and more expectancy? Share in the comments. If you found this post helpful, please comment and share it on social media. Thanks!

Do you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!

I am learning to follow my calling with expectancy releasing my expectations about how the adventure will develop and letting God write the story of my life. #calling #creativity #motivational Share on X

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12 Replies to “The Right Motivation for Our Callings”

  1. It’s so interesting the way we picture how things should be and our vision turns out to be quite different from reality. It’s humbling. Being humble is a good thing, though, so even when things turn out differently than hoped, there are lessons to be learned. Thank you for your honestly and sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, Lisa! Yes, it is really humbling to see it is not up to us. It is also very rewarding when God blesses and multiplies our efforts and gives abundant fruit!

  2. I enjoyed the entire post on medium. Wonderful and thought provoking on the right motivation for our callings . I appreciate the part to learn to let go of expectations instead live with expectancy. Beautifully written!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! I am glad you found the post helpful and thought-provoking. Blessings to you!

  3. This is nothing short of God-breathed, dear friend! We are certainly on similar journeys, too. I loved this line: What if our creative callings are more about a journey than a destination, more about identity and less about works, more about being than doing?

    Yes and amen! Let’s keep hold each other accountable in this area! You are such a gift to me!

    1. Thanks so much, dear friend! I am very happy the post spoke to you! Yes, let’s continue to pray for each other and support each other on our creative journeys! I am so glad our paths crossed… 🙂

  4. Hadassah, this is a wonderful article that my heart needed to read today. I have, am, and will go through all of it too. We need to check our motives, hearts, and our why. And boy does rejection help that. But there is such peace and beauty in writing with God and I do my best to make that the all – although I often fall short.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this, Deborah! Yes, the writer calling is not an easy one but it is truly an adventure. So glad, we don’t have to do it alone, but we have our Helper and Companion! Blessings to you, friend!

  5. I went over to medium dot com to finish reading your encouraging post but couldn’t figure out how to comment so I will leave my comment here. I sometimes feel very discouraged when I am working hard on something and then there are crickets because no one seems to see it. But I’m learning to leave ALL results to God, this is about Him and He will get my work into the hands of someone who needs it in His timing. Thank you for your sweet encouragement Hadassah!

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience and feelings, sweet friend! Yes, I can understand your frustration well. As bloggers and writers, we put so much effort and it is very frustrating when we don’t see results (or at least the results we expect). But you are right – we should leave the results in God’s hands and continue to work diligently in the sphere of influence. Our work is not in vain in the Lord and with Him. Blessings!

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