3 Truths When We Feel Wronged by God

When we feel wronged by God, do you know that there are 3 powerful truths we can lean into? Acknowledging these truths helps us cope and grow closer to God, despite our disappointment.

Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at Medium.com for Koinonia in which I share the truth about God when we feel wronged and disappointed by Him.

When I Felt Wronged and Disappointed by God

I couldn’t believe the unthinkable happened and my worst fears materialized. I prayed fervently for weeks, day and night, my whole being in the agony of total helplessness. God didn’t intervene in the way I hoped, expected, and prayed for. He allowed the worst to happen. My trust in Him was shaken to the core.

To the unbearable sorrow and pain from my loss, feelings of being betrayed and disappointed by God burdened my heart and clouded my mind. Thoughts that make me doubt His goodness and faithfulness attacked my mind daily.

This should not have happened. Never. It is cruel and not fair! You are not fair.

How can I trust You when You took my most precious thing?

It is not safe for me to trust Your protection and love.

I don’t understand why You did this.

Remember to pin me for later!

The Struggle with Doubts and Lies

Perhaps you struggle with similar thoughts when you face the darkness of a death experience. This could be the death of dreams, relationships, marriages, businesses, bodies, and daily losses and disappointments

These death experiences are like open doors for insidious lies if we are not careful. We start doubting God’s love, character, and, most of all, His faithfulness and trustworthiness.

The more I perceived God as my opponent and enemy, the more my disappointment, anger, and pain intensified. It was nearly impossible to set my feet on the road to healing.

How could I find healing when I doubted my Healer?

How could I have hope when I mistrusted my Hope-giver?

Perceiving God as our opponent and enemy increases our pain and hinders our healing and restoration. #truth #healing #encouragement Share on X

3 Truths When We Feel Wronged by God

The only way back was to fight the good fight of faith and remember the truth about God. The verse in Deuteronomy 32:4 proved to be a mighty weapon to restore my faith and trust.

Read the rest of the post at Medium.com to learn which are the 3 powerful truths to help us trust God again.

A Helpful Resource to Process Disappointment

Do you want to change and transform the way you think about your disappointments? This e-book “How to Overcome Disappointment and Discouragement” dives deeper into this topic. You will learn about the role of our expectations, desires, rights, and needs, as well as the role of false beliefs, and more biblical steps to overcome disappointments. Click here to get it into your email box today!

How to Overcome Disappointment_E-book

More Encouragement for You

you need more resources, encouragement, and comfort in handling your disappointments, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.

Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu

Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert

Life Can Be Good Again by Lisa Appelo

It’s not supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst

Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley

Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge

All Things New by John Eldredge

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Your Turn

Do you feel wronged and disappointed by God? What are the lies you believed because of this disappointment? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this article helpful. Thank you!

Do you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!

Fight back the lies in your mind with these 3 powerful truths when you feel wronged by God. #truth #Biblestudy #encouragement Share on X

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10 Replies to “3 Truths When We Feel Wronged by God”

    1. Thanks, Tianna! Yes, a lot of people feel disappointed or wronged by God in particular situations and don’t know how to handle this. I am glad you found the article helpful. Blessings!

  1. This is so insightful for when we feel wronged by God. After losing my mother-in-law suddenly last March, I certainly understand this feeling,

    1. Thanks, Debbie! Losing a loved one is very often the case when we feel disappointed with God. I felt this way when I lost my husband 3 years ago.

  2. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and the struggles you were having. I’m so glad you shared the verse from Deuteronomy. God’s works are perfect, and nothing is a surprise to Him, even when it is hard for us to see the plan. Thank you for sharing these truths.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I think sharing my struggles will help my readers. And this verse and the truths packed in it, are so powerful. Blessings!

  3. Hadassah, once again you address a challenging topic but you always find a way to break it down simply to help us in those tough times. There are times when we feel like things should be a different way, but we have to trust the LORD’s infinite wisdom, even when that is so hard!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, friend! I think a lot of people struggle with such feelings, and I hope my post will remind them of who our God is. Blessings!

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