What are the steps to grow in godliness? Do you know that growing in godliness and living a godly life is the essence of following Christ?
In this article, we will learn what godliness is, why it is essential to grow in godliness, and how we can do this based on 1 Timothy chapters 4 and 6.
What Is Godliness?
According to Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary, godliness is “reverence for God and a life of holiness in the world.” It contains the elements of knowing God and His truth, and also obeying Him and His Word. Knowledge and obedience go hand in hand.
We can also define godliness as our devotion to God, which results in a life pleasing and honoring Him. Godliness always results in a righteous, holy life, reflecting the heart and the ways of God.
Here are several synonyms of godliness in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: holiness, morality, sanctity, spirituality, prayerfulness, devotion, and blessedness. We can add to this list virtuousness, a life marked and governed by God’s grace and consecration.
Although the Bible is a book about godliness, the words godliness and godly don’t appear often in the New Testament. One place we find these words is in the Apostle Paul’s instructions to Timothy in 1 Timothy, chapters 4 and 6.
Godliness always results in a righteous, holy life, reflecting the heart and the ways of God. #Biblestudy #encouragement #spiritualgrowth Share on XRemember to pin me for later!
4 Steps to Grow in Godliness
Godliness reflects the deepest longings of our hearts, our priorities, our loyalty, and our direction. To be godly, we seek God and His kingdom first.
Since having God is the most important thing in this life and eternity, growing in godliness is the number one goal for every Christ follower.
Here are 4 steps to grow in godliness based on 1 Timothy chapters 4 and 6.
#1 Understanding the Value of Godliness
The first step is to understand and embrace the value of godliness truly. When we have this understanding, we naturally desire to train ourselves to be godly.
This desire translates into the constant choice to flee from certain godless attitudes and behaviors and to embrace God’s process of sanctification and maturing.
“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (4:7-8)
What are the things we need to flee from? Apostle Paul mentions some of these in chapter 6, like sin, false teaching, the lies of the world, and the love for money.
#2 Striving to Be an Example in Everything
Growing in godliness means we want to please God more than anything with our internal life (thoughts, purity, decisions) and our external behavior–speech and conduct.
“But set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)
When pleasing the Lord is our main motivation and driving force, then it is easy to follow Paul’s instructions to Timothy to study, obey, and preach God’s Word. (1 Timothy 4:13)
Feeding our spirits and souls with God’s Word and living in accordance with it is indispensable for our growth in godliness.
Being an example in everything involves also using our gifts and diligently working to fulfill our unique callings and God-given assignments and roles.
“Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. (1 Timothy 4:15)
God’s will for us is to mature, progress, and yield fruit, evident for everybody so God can be glorified.
#3 Persevering in Life and Doctrine
Every training includes the aspect of perseverance. There is no growth in godliness without perseverance and overcoming.
We need to be on guard, watch closely, and examine regularly our beliefs and our lives. When we are sure we believe the truth and we act upon the truth, then we need to stay on this course, to be steadfast and faithful.
Only then do we bring salvation, healing, and freedom to ourselves and others. Only then we are pure vessels of God’s love and presence.
“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16)
There is no growth in godliness without perseverance and overcoming. #Biblestudy #growth #overcoming Share on X#4 Fighting the Good Fight of Faith
To grow in godliness, we have to fight the food fight of faith. This fight includes saying “no” to evil, sin, self-righteousness, and the self-centered life and saying a permanent “yes” to God and all things godly: love, gentleness, and endurance.
We can fight the good fight of faith only with eternity in mind, embracing the eternal life we have in Christ.
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:11-12)
God has entrusted us with the greatest treasure we can imagine: His Spirit and a loving, eternal relationship with Him. Cherishing and guarding this invaluable gift with everything we have is our training in godliness. (1 Timothy 6:20)
How Our Painful Experiences Help Us Grow in Godliness
Do you know that our painful experiences can become the birthplace of blessings and growth in godliness if we choose to draw near to God?
You can learn more about why and how God uses pain and hardships to shape us and bless us in my book, “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings.”
Let me take you on a journey through 13 painful experiences, showing the precious blessings in each of them.
More Encouragement for You
If you need more resources and encouragement to grow in godliness and faith in God, I highly recommend these books. Check them out.
Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk
Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert
Life Can Be Good Again by Lisa Appelo
It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst
Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley
Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge
All Things New by John Eldredge
Hope for the Hard Days by Sarah Geringer
Lean into Grace by Stacey Pardoe
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Your Turn
Which of these steps to grow in godliness do you need to pay attention to? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this article helpful. Thank you!
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These 4 steps to grow in godliness will be very helpful for many people in my opinion. I totally agree that self examination is a crucial aspect of growing closer to god.
Thanks, Hari! I am glad you found the article helpful. Blessings!
Thank you so much for your thoughts about how to grow in godliness. Yes, self-examination is a big part of growing closer to God. Every day I need to focus on Him and look at things with an eternal perspective. I appreciate your insights!
Thanks, Lisa! I am glad you found it helpful! Self-examination and developing an eternity mindset are powerful practices to grow in godliness.
These are beautiful tips for growing in godliness! Your message of how God uses our pain to shape is inspiring.
Thanks a lot, Crysti! I am glad you found my writing helpful and inspiring!
I love the reminder to be an example in all things! It’s so easy to let ourselves slip…..I need this with my kids today! Thanks, friend!
Thanks, my friend! Praying blessings over you and your family! You are definitely an inspiring example!