Peacemaking in relationships is based on three basic principles – these are the truth, the love, and the good.
Continue reading “3 Principles of Peacemaking in Relationships”
This category contains reflections on the way of faith, truth and love. Here you can find articles on faith and its practical implications. For example: our relationship with God, living by faith, prayer, forgiveness, renewing of the mind. Also articles about, rest, joy, satisfaction, disappointment and many others. The reflections are combination of Biblical teaching and personal insights.
Peacemaking in relationships is based on three basic principles – these are the truth, the love, and the good.
Continue reading “3 Principles of Peacemaking in Relationships”
Peace in relationships is a part of our inheritance in Christ. To make and maintain peace in our hearts and with other people is an important mission and purpose God gave us. Continue reading “How Godly Goals Can Bring Peace in Relationships”
Most people have the longing for peace – world peace, peace in society, peace in relationships, peace of the heart. Peace seems to be the highest good, utopian, and unattainable. Continue reading “The Best Solution to the Longing for Peace”
In the previous article, we looked at the state of disappointment with God and its serious negative consequences on our lives. Here we will look at how to put an end to the disappointment with God. Continue reading “7 Ways to End the Disappointment with God”
Do you feel disappointed by God? It happens often that the disappointment with life, people, and circumstances grows into disappointment with God. Continue reading “No, Disappointment with God Is Not Harmless”
Our relationships are often an arena for exercising control and demonstrating power in which the roles of victims and abusers periodically change. How do we break this pattern and get out of these roles? What is the path to relationships based on love? Continue reading “How to Have Relationships Based on Love”
How does God love us? What are the expressions of God’s love? How does this affect our communication with other people? How can we love others truly and deeply by imitating God?
Continue reading “13 Ways to Love Others by Expressing God’s Love”
What are the keys to satisfaction and contentment? Is there a way to live an everyday life of satisfaction and contentment? What do we do when our days do not develop the way we want? Continue reading “3 Biblical Keys to Satisfaction and Contentment”
What are our goals, desires, and priorities? What place do God and the relationship with Him have in them? Is He our main goal, aspiration, and desire? Or do we perceive God as a means to an end? As a means of achieving our own goals and desires for good things? Continue reading “No, God Is Not a Means to an End”
One of the most important results of God’s redemptive and transformational work in us is the righteous judgment and discernment. It serves as a basis for decision-making and action. The righteous judgment is the basis for overcoming in life. Continue reading “4 Principles of the Righteous Judgment and Discernment”