The rhythm of life is change and development, itineration and returning. From our conception and birth, we constantly go through different phases of going in and going out. The fear of change, of the unknown and of the future are varieties of the fear of life. We can live our lives either in the rhythm of fear or in the rhythm of God’s love. Continue reading “How to Live in the Rhythm of God’s Love”
How to Succeed on the Quest for Glory
The quest for glory, greatness, value, significance, meaning, identity and eternal life is a fundamental longing. This is the primary desire and need of every person. God, Himself has inserted this longing. Therefore, He is the only one who can fill this gap and provide for that need. This provision is in the center of His awesome plan to share His Life and nature through Christ in us – our hope of glory. Continue reading “How to Succeed on the Quest for Glory”
How to Аvoid the Deception of Compromising
There is a great deception that blurs our eyes. And it prevents us from living according to our true identity as God’s children. This is the deception of compromising or the middle ground. This deception is rooted in the lie that we can live simultaneously under the leadership of two different masters. Or that at the same time we can to observe the laws of two different kingdoms. Continue reading “How to Аvoid the Deception of Compromising”
How to Overthrow the Idol of the Past
Are you grateful for the past? Can you look back in the past and thank God for every positive or negative event? For every success, for each failure, for all the good things, and for all the bad things? Do you expect the development of your life and your future with calm, joyful expectation and confidence? Continue reading “How to Overthrow the Idol of the Past”
No, There Is no Formula for Prayer
The prayer is the communication channel via which we not only connect with God but by which our inner spiritual eyes and ears open to hear and see from God. Prayer is not a one-direction, but a two-direction channel. God encourages us to be watchful in prayer and to be constant. Continue reading “No, There Is no Formula for Prayer”
The Best Reasons to Forgive
The refusal to forgive is a big and often underestimated problem and an obstacle to the healing and well-being of our souls. This article deals with forgiveness from a Biblical point of view and the reasons to forgive. It also reviews the consequences for us if we forgive or if we choose not to forgive. Continue reading “The Best Reasons to Forgive”
Disappointment and Discouragement – 6 Steps to Overcome
Do you struggle with disappointment and discouragement? Here are 6 biblical steps on how to overcome.
Continue reading “Disappointment and Discouragement – 6 Steps to Overcome”
How to Experience the Joy of Transformation
There are many kinds of joy. The various positive events in our lives bring small or bigger moments of joy. However, they are fleeting and sooner or later they are diminishing. But there is a greater, higher joy, which is a constant, deep state of the soul. This condition is the product of intimacy and communion with God, that is the joy of our transformation. Continue reading “How to Experience the Joy of Transformation”
5 Biblical Steps to Keep the Joy
The way to maintain an attitude of joy and satisfaction is to make the daily choice to refusе to worry. And turn the focus instead on the reality of God’s presence. Continue reading “5 Biblical Steps to Keep the Joy”
Choosing Joy as Part of God’s Anti-stress Therapy
God’s anti-stress therapy is God’s rest. In the previous post, we talked about God’s rest and the main way of entering and staying in it. Another very important tool is the choice to rejoice and the attitude of joy and satisfaction. Continue reading “Choosing Joy as Part of God’s Anti-stress Therapy”