How can we learn to love the humble beginnings and not despise them? The small things. The tiny steps. The seeds.
I remember sitting at the kitchen table one day, tears of frustration streaming down my face. Being nearly half-time in a poetry course, I started to realize how much more I still need to learn. I was overwhelmed by this long, long road in front of me. The realization that I was in the day of humble beginnings upset me, rather than bringing me joy. No, there was no joy.
Why Could I Not Enjoy the Humble Beginnings?
Why was it so difficult to enjoy my humble beginnings? I could answer for myself at that moment that I wanted it all, and I wanted it now. I didn’t want to submit to the process of growth and learning.
This process requires determination, devotion, diligence, focus, and perseverance. It requires sacrifice. And I was impatient; I didn’t want to wait for God’s timing. I just wanted to be somewhere ahead.
Do you feel this too? Do you find it difficult to love the humble beginnings in your life? Let’s see how we can change our attitude and gain a new perspective on humble beginnings with the truths in God’s Word.
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Love the Humble Beginnings Because of Their Potential
The humble beginnings are seeds – small capsules of life, greatness, and fruitfulness. God has planted such seeds in each of us. It is easy to minimize the potential of something as small as a seed. But this tiny, little thing can be the birthplace of something so big and so great that we can not even imagine. This principle is beautifully illustrated in the parable of the mustard seed in Luke 13:18-19.
„Then Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.”
All seeds that God gives us have the potential to grow and become trees, and to bring fruit into our lives and the lives of others.
The humble beginnings are seeds – small capsules of life, greatness, and fruitfulness. #humble #growth #spiritualgrowth #life #encouragement Share on X
The Lord Rejoices in the Humble Beginnings
Our humble beginnings, our starts, and tiny first steps give God pleasure and make Him rejoice. This is what the Bible tells us in Zechariah 4:10.
“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?”
The Lord rejoices when He sees the instruments in our hands, and how we learn and practice. He rejoices to see the work beginning. He rejoices to see our willing and prepared hearts, ready to serve Him.
God rejoices to do miracles with our small things, and insufficient capabilities. Humble beginnings are God’s invitation to build a team with Him, to cleave to Him, and experience the transforming power of His Spirit. He invites us to take our eyes off the mountains in front of us and to focus on the One Who moves mountains.
Humble beginnings are God’s invitation to build a team with Him and experience the transforming power of His Spirit. #humble #transformation #growth #BibleTeaching Share on X
The Value of the Process and Progress
We want to go from A to B in a straight line as soon as possible; we prefer a shortcut. It would be great to achieve our goals fast and to succeed immediately in what we are doing. But this is not how things work.
To be called to do something is just the beginning of a path of growth and maturity. God invites us to trust His process and to trust Him for producing fruit that endures for eternity.
Often, we are tempted to rush and hurry in the beginning. We see where others are and fall into the comparison trap starting to despise our humble beginnings. This robs our joy and even paralyzes us. But we need to realize that the process means protection and blessings.
When things mature before their time, they don’t have the strength to maintain the level they have achieved prematurely. No, God is leading us on a steady path of progress and growth making us mature and strong enough to sustain the fruit He is producing.
Besides, learning and growing in the field, ministry, and the assignment God has for us are supposed to be a source of joy and satisfaction. When we do things following God’s rhythms of work and rest, empowered and led by His Spirit, we come to enjoy the journey more and more realizing that knowing Him more is the greatest treasure hidden in the process.
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God invites us to trust His process and to trust Him for producing fruit that endures for eternity. #trustGod #process #progress #spiritualmaturity Share on X
Dream Big Despite the Humble Beginnings
Because we have a big God, we can dream big and bold. We can rejoice when He gives us seeds to plant and diligently do what He is calling us to do day by day, leaving the results to Him. Hear God’s encouragement and His promise for progress and completion:
„What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!'” (Zechariah 4:7)
Your Turn
What are your humble beginnings right now? Do you find this article helpful? I will be happy if you comment and share it on social media. Thanks!
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God is leading us on a steady path of progress and growth making us mature and strong enough to sustain the fruit He is producing. #growth #maturity #progress #BibleStudy Share on X
Find More Encouragement Here
7 devotions with an intentional focus on areas of New Beginnings, Dealing with Hopelessness, Navigating Grief and Suffering, Faith & Spiritual Growth, Transition, Navigating Anxiety, and Work.
More Encouragement for You
If you need more resources, encouragement, and help in finding your calling and living out your purpose and potential, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.
Dream Big by Bob Goff
My Journey to Finding My Identity, Calling & Assignment by Susan Cooper Creel
What Is My Calling? by William W. Klein and Daniel J. Steiner
Identity, Calling, and Workplace Spirituality by Thomas V. Frederick and Scott E. Dunbar
Your Purpose Is Calling: Your Difference Is Your Destiny by Dharius Daniels
Identity: Discover Who You Are and Live a Life of Purpose by T.D. Jakes
Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential by Gordon T. Smith
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Very powerful and encouraging. Keep it up and may the Lord God bless you abundantly, may He give you more revelation and more resources for His work.
Amen! Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Eric! I am happy that the post resonated with you. Blessings!
You are Awesome Thank you for this Article . I’ve been in a transitional period, seeking God for direction.
Although it would be nice if these changes passed quickly, I am recognizing the importance of remaining faithful to Him as I follow Him in what necessary changes He is asking me to go through. The transformation process can be difficult, but it can also be very powerful in allowing me to become who He wants me to be over time.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Martha! Transition periods are really hard but as you say they can lead to a powerful transformation. Keep going on with God’s grace! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for this post. It is so timely. I’m in a transition and seeking God for His wisdom and direction. Although I’d like for this to pass quickly, I am seeing the importance of staying in step with Him as He shows me what necessary changes He’s having me go through. Transformation can be difficult but so important in becoming all He wants me to be.
Blessings to you!!
Thanks, Laura! Yes, transitions and transformation are difficult. But as long as we are moving in step with the Lord, we will gonna make it supported by His grace and wisdom. Blessings!
I have loved this message because it has opened my eyes. I have really Learned to respect humble beginnings and to trust in God’s timing. Thanks for inspiring me
Thanks, Aheebwa! I am so glad that the post encouraged and inspired you! Blessings to you!
This is exactly what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for for pressing on and pressing through and ministering to me. Blessings Friend!
Thanks so much, Susan! I am very happy that the post encouraged you! Blessings to you too!
This is a great read to start of the day! Thank you for sharing!
You are very welcome, Ann! I am glad that you found the article useful!
Hey a its a blessing to me and a great faith booster shalom.
Thanks so much! I am happy that this artcle encouraged you!
This post came at a perfect time: just this morning I talked with my colleague about our ability to enjoy and be happy about the little things in life. And how there are so many who can’t appreciate such things, and are thus most often quite miserable in their lives. It’s all about adjusting your mindset, and even the first steps of a long learning curve feel like a blessing 🙂
I can not agree more with you, Teresa – it is all about adjusting the mindsets and changing the perspective!
Such a hopeful post! Visiting you from the worth beyond rubies link up.
Thanks, Lauren! I love to link up there. I am happy that the post encourages you.
This was especially encouraging to me: “The Lord rejoices when He sees the instruments in our hands, and how we learn and practice. He rejoices to see the work beginning. He rejoices to see our willing and prepared hearts, ready to serve Him.” Thank you!
Thank you! I am happy that you find this post encouraging and that you have a personal takeaway!
Wonderful reminders here that God is at work in all of our starts and stops and humble, small steps. Thank you!!
Thank you, Jill! So it is – God is always at work in us and through us, blessing our efforts and doing the heavy lifting!
“Dream big despite the humble beginnings”
We may aim high, because we have HIM as the greatest support, as long as we trust in HIM.
Thank you for your encouraging text.
So true! Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts!
This is such an uplifting post and lovely reminder. Thank you.
Thank you for your encouraging comment, Rebecca!
Definitely my blog is a humble beginning. I appreciate all of the points you made, especially about potential. Even now, I can look back and see progress. Thanks for sharing these words of encouragement.
Thank you, Lisa! I am happy that the post has encouraged you!