Friend, do you ask yourself how to have perfect peace? Let me share with you 3 biblical steps to perfect peace based on Isaiah 26:3.
Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at for Koinonia about how to have perfect peace.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)
It is so easy to lose our peace, even as believers. So many things during the day can trigger anger, worry, anxiety, confusion, and frustration. Especially, if we live daily in a long-term burdening situation, it can be a battle to keep our peace.
Our focus verse today gives us 3 biblical steps to have perfect peace.
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What Is a Perfect Peace?
What do you envision when you think of perfect peace? Biblically, perfect peace is not an absence of problems and an ideal set of external circumstances. It is instead a quiet confidence, an attitude of mental rest, and a positive and hopeful outlook, trusting in the Lord and waiting for His intervention. It is the quiet in the storm, the steadiness when things are shaky.
Perfect peace is transcendent. This means it is not rooted in favorable circumstances or anything external. It is rooted in the trustworthiness of God and the integrity of His character and promises.
Most important, perfect peace is not something we alone are able to produce. God is the Author and the Giver of perfect peace through His Holy Spirit working in us. It is His peace, not ours. As stated in our focus verse, God is the one who is keeping us in perfect peace. So our connection to God is paramount if we want to experience His peace.
The perfect peace of God is a quiet confidence, an attitude of mental rest, and a positive and hopeful outlook, trusting in the Lord and waiting for His intervention. #peace #mentalhealth #Biblestudy Share on XCultivating a Steadfast Mind
So how can we have this perfect peace?
The most important prerequisite is the focus of our mind. Our key verse uses several descriptions in the different translations to characterize such a mental condition. This is a mind that is stayed on God, dependent on God, and focused on God. This is a steadfast mind.
Steadfast means “resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, immovable, fixed in direction, not shakable, constant.” We see that to have a steadfast mind, we need to occupy and maintain a firm position and not move from it.
To have such a firm, unshakable position in our faith, we need to stay focused on God’s truths and Word. We need to know His word, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, to fill our minds with it. The more we fill our mind with God’s Word and truths, the more steadfast it becomes.
Read the rest of the post at and be strengthened and encouraged.
We keep a steadfast mind when we remain unshakable in believing what is true about God’s character and God’s love. #trustGod #mentalhealth Share on XMore Encouragement for You
If you need more resources and encouragement on how to cultivate a steadfast mind and have perfect peace, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.
Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics by William Lane Craig
Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert
Finding Peace: God’s Promise of a Life Free from Regret, Anxiety and Fear by Charles Stanley
The Path to Peace: Experiencing God’s Comfort When You’re Overwhelmed by Ann Swindell
Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk
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Your Turn
How can you apply today the principles of Isaiah 26:3 to have perfect peace? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this article helpful. Thank you!
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Great encouragement Hadassah, I know most of my struggle comes from an undisciplined mind. I appreciate the practical tips!
Thanks so much, Donna! I am happy you found this post helpful. Blessings to you, friend!
Hadassah, thank you for your encouragement and ways to have the Perfect Piece of our Lord.
Thanks, Deborah! I am happy the post encouraged you. Blessings!
Such great biblical truth! Thank you!
You are welcome! I am happy the post blessed you.
I’m so thankful the Prince of Peace gives us perfect peace, Hadassah! I appreciate the phrase, “cultivate a steadfast mind” as I had not pondered this previously.
Thanks, Lisa! I am glad you found the post helpful and thought-provoking. Blessings to you!
Thank you for sharing encouragement and inspiration.
You are welcome! I am glad it encouraged and inspired you!
Beautiful words on how to have perfect peace. Things have been a bit off recently and this was a wonderful read.
Thanks, Debbie! I am happy the post spoke to you and encouraged you. Blessings!
Thank you for the reminder that perfect peace does not mean the absence of problems. It truly can only come from God. This is just what I needed today!
Thanks, Lisa! I am so glad that the post encouraged you! May God’s peace guard your heart and mind today.
I love what you said about trusting God. It really is the key to walking in faith!
Thanks so much, Sarah! So true! I am happy the post spoke to you. Blessings!