The Secret to Thrive in All Seasons of Life

Friend, do you want to know the secret to thrive in all seasons of life?

What Does It Mean to Thrive

But what does it mean to thrive? What is the biblical understanding of thriving?

When the Lord gave me the word “thrive” for my word of the year 2024, I began studying this word and its different meanings, as well as its appearances in Scripture.

Thriving has a lot of aspects. To thrive means to grow, prosper, succeed, flourish, get ahead, bear fruit, arrive, progress, rise, abound, boom, be healthy, be on top, go strong, and blossom. This is amazing.

We see that thriving relates to growth, prosperity, progress, health and well-being, strength and fruitfulness. Interestingly, we don’t see a meaning of being or feeling happy, which is important to note.

The Secret to Thrive in All Seasons of Life

We often think that our feelings of happiness are an indicator if we are thriving or not.

But happiness or feelings of happiness are not the basis if we are thriving or not. We can be thriving amidst feelings of sorrow, sadness, anxiety, doubts, and loneliness.


Because the secret is to have a thriving relationship with God, a constant and intimate connection with Him.

No painful experience can hinder you from having a thriving relationship with the Lord and thriving in life. Being in union with the Lord will produce growth, fruit, and strength and will make you progress. It will bring wholeness to your soul and life. And this is what it means to thrive.

Look at these wonderful promises of the Lord for fruitfulness and growth.

The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins, he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.” (Isaiah 51:3)

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” (Psalm 92:12.15)

When we draw near to God in all seasons of life, we can trust that He will make our wastelands like the Garden of Eden, and keep us evergreen and fruitful, proclaiming God’s glory and salvation.

No painful experience can hinder you from having a thriving relationship with the Lord and thriving in life. #thrive #growth #prosperity #encouragement Share on X

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The Secret to Thrive in All Seasons of Life

3 Ways to Thrive in All Seasons of Life

There are 3 biblical ways to help us thrive in all seasons of our lives.

#1 We Need Wisdom and Knowledge to Thrive

The first ingredients we need, if we want to grow, prosper, and thrive, are wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. We need wisdom from above and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the area of our thoughts and decisions.

The Holy Spirit will lead us in all truth, as promised (John 16:13). We need to adopt His perspective and point of view, especially when we are struggling with the darkness of pain and suffering. When we see things properly, then we can also act wise, which will contribute to our healing and well-being. 

We find the direct link between acting wisely and thriving in this verse: “My servant will act wisely and prosper.” (Isaiah 52:13)

Also, we read in Proverbs 19:8: “The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.” 

#2 We Need to Stay Faithful to Thrive

God’s word shows us explicitly that there is another major prerequisite to thrive: this is to stay faithful to the Lord, doing His will, and living a righteous life.

Following the Lord faithfully wherever He leads and seeking to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds will always lead to peace, confidence, and supernatural joy, making our hearts blossom and prosper.

The Lord is faithful, and He places a great value on faithfulness, too. “Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?” (Proverbs 20:6)

He wants us to imitate Him in this and grow as faithful and wise stewards of what He has given us, so He can elevate and promote us. (Luke 12:42-43)

When we do what pleases Him, God promises His constant guidance, satisfaction, and ongoing thriving. He wants to make us “like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:9-19)

Following the Lord faithfully and seeking to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds will always lead to peace, confidence, and joy, and make our hearts thrive. #trustGod #encouragement #prosperity #wellbeing Share on X

#3 We Need to Trust the Lord to Thrive

Trusting the Lord always and delighting in His word is the third way that will make us thrive. The more we surrender and release the control to God over people and circumstances, the more peace we will experience. God’s peace is a mighty guardian of our souls, flooding them with light.

Delighting in God’s word, filling our minds and mouths with it, satisfies our spiritual hunger and thirst. This powerful spiritual food sustains us, empowers us, and makes us grow and thrive “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:2-3)

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

How We Can Thrive in Seasons of Pain and Suffering

Do you know that our painful experiences can become the birthplace of blessings and growth if we choose to draw near to God?

You can learn more about why and how God uses pain and hardships to shape us and bless us in my book, “Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings.”

Let me take you on a journey through 13 painful experiences, showing the precious blessings in each of them.

More Encouragement for You

If you need more resources, encouragement, and comfort when you go through pain, suffering, and shaking, I highly recommend these books. Check them out.

Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert

Life Can Be Good Again by Lisa Appelo

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst

Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley

Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge

All Things New by John Eldredge

Hope for the Hard Days by Sarah Geringer

Lean into Grace by Stacey Pardoe

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Your Turn

Which of these ways to thrive do you need to practice more? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this article helpful. Thank you!

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The secret to thriving in all seasons of life is having a thriving relationship with the Lord. #thrive #suffering #encouragement #growth #trustGod Share on X

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14 Replies to “The Secret to Thrive in All Seasons of Life”

  1. When you say, “We can be thriving amidst feelings of sorrow, sadness, anxiety, doubts, and loneliness,” it is so true. These secrets to thriving in all seasons of life are invaluable!

  2. Thank you for these insightful thoughts on the secret to thriving in all seasons of life. This is a helpful reminder to trust in the Lord to thrive in the good and bad.

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I am happy the post encouraged you. May the Lord make you thrive always and in all seasons!

  3. I love all of this Hadassah, this right here is speaking to me. -> “When we see things properly, then we can also act wise, which will contribute to our healing and well-being.” This is what I need more of, wisdom and understanding, when things get really hard so my healing is not prolonged. Thank you sweet friend for always pointing me to Jesus! Much love to you …

    1. Thanks a lot, my friend! I am very happy the post resonated with you and you had your takeaway. Sending love and hugs!

  4. Thank you for this post about thriving in all seasons of life. I appreciate the reminder that thriving and happiness are not the same. God uses difficult experiences, as you know, to draw us closer to him, and we can thrive in the midst of troubling times. Just what I needed to read today!

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! I am so glad the post resonated with you. May God make you thrive in all circumstances and seasons!

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