Seeing God’s Mercy When It Doesn’t Make Sense

Do you struggle to see God’s mercy when it doesn’t make sense? 

I do. There are so many situations when life just doesn’t make sense and our efforts are leading nowhere.

Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at for Koinonia in which I share how to see and trust God’s mercy in unwanted circumstances.

Seeing God’s Mercy When It Doesn’t Make Sense

Perhaps you struggle with regrets and thoughts like, “I had the opportunity to get something I really wanted, but I wasted it?”

Perhaps you consider your life to be nowhere you thought you would end up, and this brings frustration and disappointment. I get it.

It is very frustrating to play by the rules, to do all the right things, to follow the Lord faithfully, and to end up in a hard place far away from everything you dreamed of.

Do you struggle to see God's mercy when it doesn't make sense? #encouragement #inspirational #spiritualgrowth Share on X

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Seeing GOD’s MERCY

It Depends on God’s Mercy Not on Our Efforts

For me, such a place was finding myself still childless after years of fervent prayers, doctor’s appointments, painful medical procedures, and crippling anxiety.

I felt I had failed, and that God failed me, too.

Was this really so? My feelings reflected my painful reality, but they didn’t accurately reflect the truth about me as a limited human being and the truth about God, His sovereignty, and His love for me.

God gently led me out of my anger and disappointment by highlighting a powerful and liberating truth in this verse:

Focused solely on my efforts and the overwhelming desire to become a mother, I somehow believed the lie that I could control the world and guarantee the fulfillment of my desires.

Read the rest of the post at to learn why God’s way is always the best for us and how God’s mercy changes us.

NEW BOOK for All Who Go Through Painful Experiences

Do you want to draw near to God when you are tempted to pull away amidst painful and traumatic experiences? Do you long for the transformation of your painful story into a story of preparation, empowerment, fruitfulness, and growth?

My new book “DRAW NEAR: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings” takes you on a journey through 13 painful experiences, showing the precious blessings in each of them.

Draw Near Book

A Helpful Resource to Process Our Feelings in Unwanted Circumstances

When life doesn’t make sense, we often struggle with anger and disappointment. Do you want to change and transform the way you think about your disappointments? This e-book “How to Overcome Disappointment and Discouragement” dives deeper into this topic. You will learn about the role of our expectations, desires, rights, and needs, as well as the role of false beliefs, and more biblical steps to deal with anger and disappointments. Click here to get it into your email box today!

How to Overcome Disappointment_E-book

More Encouragement for You

If you need more resources, encouragement, and comfort when you deal with unwanted and painful circumstances, I can highly recommend these books. Check them out.

Uprooting Anger by Robert D. Jones

Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace in Your Every Day by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

Make Up Your Mind: Unlock Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life by Denise Dubois Pass and Michelle Nietert

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

Life Can Be Good Again by Lisa Appelo

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Terkeurst

Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts by Adam Dooley

Restoration Year – a 365 Days Devotional by John Eldredge

All Things New by John Eldredge

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Your Turn

Are you in a situation right now when life doesn’t make sense? Share in the comments and on social media if you found this article helpful. Thank you!

Do you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!

Through His mercy in our unwanted circumstances, God changes and humbles us, making us His worshippers. #encouragement #devotional #spiritualgrowth Share on X

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12 Replies to “Seeing God’s Mercy When It Doesn’t Make Sense”

  1. This is such an encouraging post, Hadassah! We were just talking about this subject in my small group at Bible study last night, how God’s mercy transforms our disappointed hearts and desires, and we can find joy again even when the answers to our prayers are different from what we hoped for. I’m so grateful that He does the work of transforming us when we surrender our control and trust in His goodness!

  2. Thank you for the beautiful message of seeing God’s mercy when it doesn’t make sense. I understand the feelings of hurt and sadness when life doesn’t seem to be heading down the right road – or at least the one I planned.

    1. Thanks, Debbie! Yes, everybody has experienced these moments when everything seemed to go wrong. But God is always present and directing our lives in the right direction.

  3. It’s so true that I often try to take things in my own hands instead of trusting God to work. Patience isn’t one of my strengths. Over and over, God has been faithful, but I often don’t see it when I’m in the middle of a situation. Thank you for the gentle reminder that God is always there and has a plan.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I am also learning patience and long-suffering along the way! So glad the post encouraged you. Blessings!

  4. I spent years being angry with God when I didn’t understand what he was doing. I wish I’d known then what I know now. I pray your words make it to multitudes of hearts who need to hear them!!! Thank you, Hadassah!

  5. What a beautiful reflection, Hadassah! So many of us struggle with infertility and child loss/miscarriage and yet it’s not something we talk about very much… I hope that God has brought healing on your journey. I like how you connect this frustration, disappointment, struggling to see God’s mercy with the desire to control the outcome. How true! I’m going to carry that insight with me.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Rebecca! Yes, these are difficult and painful topics to discuss. But I am not afraid to share my story and how God brought healing and restoration. I am happy the post encouraged and inspired you. Blessings!

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