What is in a greeting? Let’s examine today the life-giving greeting of the Father.
The Three Sisters – Faith, Hope and Love
Faith sees beyond space and time and knows that everything is already as it should be. Hope dwells with the expectation of seeing in the physical reality what faith sees in the spiritual. And love is the eternal dimension that remains forever.
How Not to Be Negligent about Life and Have Success
Do you feel like you’re wasting your time? Moving away from your dreams and goals? Perhaps the decision not to be negligent about your life is the step that will put you on the path to success.
Continue reading “How Not to Be Negligent about Life and Have Success”
How Godly Goals Can Bring Peace in Relationships
Peace in relationships is a part of our inheritance in Christ. To make and maintain peace in our hearts and with other people is an important mission and purpose God gave us. Continue reading “How Godly Goals Can Bring Peace in Relationships”
7 Ways to End the Disappointment with God
In the previous article, we looked at the state of disappointment with God and its serious negative consequences on our lives. Here we will look at how to put an end to the disappointment with God. Continue reading “7 Ways to End the Disappointment with God”
How to Have Relationships Based on Love
Our relationships are often an arena for exercising control and demonstrating power in which the roles of victims and abusers periodically change. How do we break this pattern and get out of these roles? What is the path to relationships based on love? Continue reading “How to Have Relationships Based on Love”
13 Ways to Love Others by Expressing God’s Love
How does God love us? What are the expressions of God’s love? How does this affect our communication with other people? How can we love others truly and deeply by imitating God?
Continue reading “13 Ways to Love Others by Expressing God’s Love”
3 Biblical Keys to Satisfaction and Contentment
What are the keys to satisfaction and contentment? Is there a way to live an everyday life of satisfaction and contentment? What do we do when our days do not develop the way we want? Continue reading “3 Biblical Keys to Satisfaction and Contentment”
How to Live in the Rhythm of God’s Love
The rhythm of life is change and development, itineration and returning. From our conception and birth, we constantly go through different phases of going in and going out. The fear of change, of the unknown and of the future are varieties of the fear of life. We can live our lives either in the rhythm of fear or in the rhythm of God’s love. Continue reading “How to Live in the Rhythm of God’s Love”
More Than a Father
More than a father to me
Giving me life and identity.
Never leaving, always present,
Covering, protecting, staying.
“I have born you. You are mine!
In my arms you will be fine.” Continue reading “More Than a Father”