There is one word that holds a huge hope and promise for the future–this is the powerful promise of “again”.
Here is a sneak peek of my guest post at for Devotable about God’s promises for restoration after a season of devastations and losses.
I watch the photos of us holding hands and smiling, and the pain of the devastating loss cuts like a knife through my stomach. Forever gone. My happy and cherished life with my closest person is gone. It seems impossible to imagine a happy life again; it is difficult to hope good days will come. Will I find joy again after this heavy sorrow? Will I have again a life I cherish, a life overflowing with blessings? Will there be “again” in my life?
The Powerful Promise of “Again”
Do you know God gives 15 “again” promises in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 31?
The prophet Jeremiah gives these beautiful restoration prophecies immediately before severe disasters befall Israel.
Even before the disasters strike, God wants Israel to know that He has a good plan and is working on how to restore the people. He gives them the powerful promise of “again” as a stable foundation of hope for redemption and a good future.
Even before disasters strike, God wants us to know that He has a good plan and gives us the powerful promise of “again” as a stable foundation of hope. @devotableapp #hope #encouragement #Biblestudy Share on XRemember to pin me for later!
God’s Love as a Guarantee for Restoration
The foundation and the guarantee of our restoration is God’s eternal love: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
Friend, when we are in the deepest of sorrows, God doesn’t abandon us but thinks about how to deliver and restore us. His heart yearns for us and He has great compassion for us. (Jeremiah 31:20)
God’s AGAIN Promises
In Jeremiah chapter 31, God gives us 15 promises of restoration containing the power of “again”. This way, He responds to our yearning for recovery and redemption of our losses by naming 15 specific experiences we will have again after a period of devastation.
Read the rest of the post at and be strengthened and encouraged.
Find More Comfort in These Books
Friend, if you are in a season of suffering and grief, you may also want to check out my new “BOOK OF COMFORTS”.
In this book, you’ll find comfort when you struggle with unmet expectations, disillusionment in faith, when you are in a season of pain, when your hope diminishes, when life gets hard, and much more. Reflection questions and a guided prayer follow each devotion.
Additionally, I can recommend highly these books. They have helped me tremendously in my season of suffering. Check them out.
Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu
The Grief Guidebook: Common Questions, Compassionate Answers, Practical Suggestions by Gary Roe
Grieving the Write Way Journal and Workbook by Gary Roe
Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores by Diane Langberg
A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L. Sittser
A Grace Revealed: How God Redeems the Story of Your Life by Jerrry L. Sittser
Restoration Year – A 365 Devotional by John Eldredge
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Your Turn
In which area of your life do you need the power of “again”? Share in the comments. If this post has encouraged you, please share it on social media. Thanks!
In Jeremiah chapter 31, God gives us 15 promises of restoration containing the power of "again". @devotableapp #restoration #encouragement #hope Share on XDo you want to watch this post as a vlog? Click HERE. If you found it helpful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks!
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What a wonderful study! Our church went through the major and minor prophets last year, and even in the severest chastisement, God extended his grace and hope that there would be future healing and restoration.
So true, Barbara! This is what I love about God – His unwavering grace and love. His mercies are truly new every morning!
Guess what I’m going to read this morning? Jeremiah 31! I want to claim those again promises for my children.
That’s a wonderful idea, Anita! Praying these promises back to God is what I did too.
I need again and again fresh patience and courage to wait on the Lord in my own personal situation.
Aritha, praying for you, for patience and courage, and for God to move in your situation! Blessings to you!
As a survivor of metastatic cancer, I understand the power of “again” very well. When faced with the devastating news about the spread, it seemed that there will never be an again, no more vacationing again, no more seeing my children grow again, no more loving and receiving love from my husband again. But obviously, my Maker had a different plan for me and I am eternally grateful for this chance for so many “agains.”
Wow, that’s a wonderful testimony, Joanna! Praise God for the healing He gave you! He is really the God of restorations and “agains”.
What a hopeful post to be focusing on the power of again. God keeps His promises, and that is so comforting. Thank you for the uplifting post.
Thanks, Lisa! I am happy that the post encouraged you.