Why Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

Why nothing can separate us from God’s love?

Friend, have you felt alone, abandoned, and unloved by God? I know I sure did.

Although I know in my head that the Lord is always with me, I don’t always feel His love and care. Especially when I struggle with painful feelings like intense loneliness or the sting of accumulated disappointments, I don’t feel like an object of His favor and love.

Many situations in life can make us feel forgotten, not seen, and not cared for.

But the Bible tells us that this is far away from the truth. Everyone who has placed her or his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is forever and infinitely loved by God.

Why Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

I love the powerful passage in Romans, in which the Apostle Paul shares his unwavering conviction that nothing in the whole creation, nothing we can think of, can separate us from God’s love. Let’s unpack this verse together and see what it means.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons (heavenly rulers), neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39, NIV)

In this verse, Paul mentions 9 things that we may think have the power to separate us from God’s love, but in fact, they can’t do that.

Let’s explore these separately to gain more understanding and strengthen our faith.

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Here are 6 powerful reasons why nothing in the whole creation can’t separate us from God’s love. #Biblestudy #Godslove #trustGod Share on X

#1 Death Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

Why can’t death separate us from God’s love?

In the first place, our own death can’t separate us from God’s love, because we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who is our guarantee for eternal life in God’s presence.

“When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.” (Ephesians 1:13-14, NIV)

We know that “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (Romans 1:8, NIV)

In the second place, the death of our loved ones or the death of our dreams can’t separate us from God’s love. Such deaths can be powerful blows, making us feel disconnected and abandoned by the Lord.

But He is the God of all comfort, able to heal, restore, and redeem every loss and every death blow.

The God of all comfort can heal, restore, and redeem every loss and every death blow. #loss #healing #restoration #trustGod Share on X

#2 Life Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

Life can’t separate us from God’s love, too.

Life on this earth is a mystery, a precious gift, as well as a continuous warfare and struggle. We will encounter a lot of hardships, challenges, and sorrows. Pain and suffering are definitely in the package we call life, as well as temporary joys and pleasures.

But daily struggles or big tragedies are not able to separate us from God’s love. On the contrary, they are an invitation to draw near to Him and experience His power and grace in new ways.

He has promised to meet all our needs (spiritual, emotional, relational, and material). We have His promise to navigate on the path of life until the end.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16: 11, NIV)

#3 Angels or Demons Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

Why can’t angels or demons separate us from God’s love?

In other translations, angels and demons are referred to as heavenly rulers. This implies that no spiritual power (good or bad) is able to separate us from God’s love. No angel or demon can influence God and make Him love us less or stop loving us.

All heavenly rulers are subject to God and can do nothing outside His command, His permission, or outside His knowledge. We see this principle displayed multiple times in the Bible.

For example, in the Old Testament, Satan needed God’s permission to attack Job. In the New Testament, Jesus tells Peter: “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31, NIV)

#4 The Present and the Future Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

What is your present? And how do you imagine your future?

Life is dynamic, and things are changing. Circumstances change, relationships change, and our bodies change. Our roles, responsibilities, and assignments change. Life is a constant transition.

Our present circumstances (good or bad) or our future, whatever it may contain, have no power to make us less loved or abandoned by God.

Why? For one simple reason: He never changes and He has promised to be always with us.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, NIV) 

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NIV)

Our present circumstances (good or bad) or our future, have no power to make us less loved or abandoned by God. #trustGod #encouragement #Biblestudy Share on X

#5 Powers Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

Not only the spiritual rulers and powers can’t separate us from God’s love, but also the earthly powers and authorities fail the power to do that.

Earthly authorities and governments, and the laws and decisions they implement, have a big impact on the way we live, for good or for bad.

Sometimes, they misuse their power which results in unfair treatment. We find such an example in the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16, who were beaten and thrown in prison by the Roman judges without committing any crime.

But they didn’t see this as a sign that God suddenly stopped loving and caring for them.

Quite the opposite: they were so focused on God’s love that they sang praises and prayers in the middle of the night!

#6 Height and Depth Can’t Separate Us from God’s Love

What does it mean that height and depth can’t separate us from God’s love?

In the first place, height and depth are descriptors of the created world, of God’s creation. Paul wants to assure us that nothing in the creation, despite how vast and unfathomable it may seem, is able to separate us from God’s love. Not the highest mountain. Not the deepest ocean.

This is also true in the spiritual sense.

Our heights can be the highs in our lives: our precious achievements, pleasures, earthly joys, rewards, and honors. We might have climbed to the top of the mountain, and achieved everything we wanted, just to find out that the Lord hasn’t loved us more or less. His love remains unchangeable and unconditional.

We find the same truth in our depths, too. In the dark and suffocating depths of our trouble, weaknesses, failures, regrets, guilt, crushing sorrows, and bitter disappointments, we discover His unwavering, fierce, relentless love.

Nothing in the Creation Can Separate Us from God’s Love

Yes, nothing, really nothing in the material and spiritual realm, can separate us from God’s love.

No creature, no person, no power, not even we ourselves, and what we do or don’t do.

No experience, no loss, no illness, no achievement, not what we have or don’t have.

God loves us. Always. 

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:27-28, NIV)

More Resources to Help Trust God’s Love

If you need additional resources to help you trust God’s love, and grow in your love for Him, I highly recommend these books.

Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu

Draw Near_updated image

Kissing Guilt Goodbye by Enliven Devotionals

Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow by David Jeremiah

Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics by William Lane Craig

Faith Talk: Christian Women & The Gospel  by Heather Hart and contributing authors

Lean into Grace by Stacey Pardoe

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God's love remains unchangeable and unconditional in our highs and lows. #Godslove #trustGod #encouragement Share on X

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