Do you love me as I am?
I am sitting on the wooden bench in my church, listening to the sermon, when the small, distinctive voice pierces my mind with this question.
There is no mistake in recognizing this voice: it is tender and strong; clear and distinctive; full of authority and palpable love. It’s the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I hold my breath and then listen again, pondering what this question means. I sense it is a question I can’t ignore, and my answer will reveal a lot about myself and my relationship with Jesus.
Remember to pin me for later!
God Knows and Loves Us as We Are
We all want to be known and loved as we are, fully accepted, and completely safe to be ourselves.
God loves us so: without conditions and reservations, with full devotion and passion, with all His mind, heart, and strength.
He has proven this countless times, crossed all boundaries, and paid the highest price to remove the walls between us at the cross.
He loves us as we are–not a desirable version of ourselves, not our perfect copy, not our idea about ourselves.
God loves us as we are–not a desirable version of ourselves, not our perfect copy, not our idea about ourselves. #Godslove #encouragement #truelove Share on XLiving Loved
God knows everything about us and in us; He knows us inside out. God knows all our specifics, unique making, weaknesses, shortcomings, struggles, secret sins, wounds, talents, the way we talk, the way we think, the way we act, and the way we live.
He knows us as we are in every moment in space and time, and He knows what we are becoming. God sees everything as it is and He loves us. All the time.
To acknowledge and live in this reality is awe-inspiring and soul-shaking as the psalmist discovers:
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” (Psalm 139, 1-6, NIV)
Do You Love Me as I AM?
We all want such love. God wants it, too.
He is the Person in whose image we are made and He longs to be known and loved as He is.
The problem is that often we don’t love Him as He is, but we love and worship our ideas and imaginations about Him. This form of subtle idolatry leads our hearts astray and damages our relationship with Him.
It is not a coincidence that in the beginning, God revealed Himself to Moses with the name Jehovah (I AM).
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)
He is the great I AM, the One who was, Who is, and Who will be.
Our deepest need and God’s greatest desire is to love Him as He is with all our minds. Then we not only receive and enjoy the invaluable gift of being fully known, but we also give this gift to God.
Our deepest need and God's greatest desire is to love Him as He is with all our minds. #loveGod #encouragement #lifeoffaith #personalgrowth Share on XThe Danger of Loving Our Ideas about God More
It sounds clear and simple, but the biggest danger for us is to slip into loving our ideas and imaginations about God more than we love Him, as He is in reality and has revealed Himself in the Bible.
How can this happen and when are we most prone to do this?
It can happen when we have a strong desire or need on which we focus and we need Him to fulfill it. Such focus can lead us to regard God as our genie in the bottle, as a means to get what we want.
Then we desire and love Him not for Who He is, but for what He can give us. Our controlling desire perverts our thinking and diverts our love.
This happened to me, too, when I let my unfulfilled desire to become a mother obsess my mind. My fellowship with the Lord was dominated by making Him do what I so desperately wanted and needed. This robbed my peace and freedom and damaged my body and soul.
Loving God in the Fullness of His Personality
Another dangerous situation occurs when we want or like a certain part of His character more or ignore others.
God has a complex character and we can’t afford to magnify one part of Him and reject another.
For example, He is the God of love, but He is also the God of justice and judgment. He is our Healer, but it is up to Him if and when, and how to heal a person. He is the Lion of Judah, but He is also the slain Lamb.
We must examine our ideas about God and ask Him to lead us to know and love Him as He Is.
Freeing God from Our Expectations
One helpful way to do this is by paying attention to our desires and needs and choosing to free God from our expectations, letting Him be the God He is.
Let our genuine prayer be to align our hearts with His, our desires with His, and our thoughts with His. Let us love what He loves and hate what He hates.
“Do you love me as I AM?”
This is not just a question God asks you today, but a tender invitation for the greatest love story you can experience.
More Resources to Help You Cultivate a Loving Relationship with God
If you need additional resources to help you cultivate friendship and intimacy with God, and grow in your love for Him, I highly recommend these books.
Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings by Hadassah Treu
Kissing Guilt Goodbye by Enliven Devotionals
Transforming Your Thought Life by Sarah Geringer
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Letters to the Church by Francis Chan
Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow by David Jeremiah
Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics by William Lane Craig
Faith Talk: Christian Women & The Gospel by Heather Hart and contributing authors
Lean into Grace by Stacey Pardoe
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Your Turn
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We must examine our ideas about God and ask Him to lead us to know and love Him as He truly is. #loveGod #encouragement #spiritualgrowth Share on XI send my newsletter “Keep the Faith” every two weeks. I share with you first the newest blog post, recommended books and articles, and the newest freebies and resources to keep the faith.
Do you love me as I am is a profound question to ask in my opinion. I totally agree that god love us all withoutt having any reservations.
Thanks, Hari! Yes, it is a good question. I am happy the post encouraged you. Blessings!
Thanks for sharing your insight on how God loves us just as we are. I appreciate your solid scriptural foundation.
Thanks, Crysti! I am glad the post encouraged you. Blessings!
It’s so true that we all want to be seen, known, and loved just as we are. Very thoughtful perspective on how God also wants this as well.
Thanks, Debbie! May we all grow in knowing and loving God more!
Excellent thoughts about the question “Do you love me as I am?” I often rest in the assurance that God loves me, but have not often pondered the idea of loving God as He is. Thank you for another thought-provoking post!
Thanks, Lisa! I am glad that you found the post thought-provoking and helpful. Blessings!
‘Do you love me as I am?’ great question! and, agreed, it’s something we want . This post provide such a positive perspective and will give a lot of people faith in knowing that they are loved as they are. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading! I am glad you found the post encouraging and helpful. Blessings!
Amen! Thank you for bringing these truths into the light, friend! I’m soaking in this today!
Thanks, my friend! I am glad this post encouraged you! Hugs!