Faith, working through love, is the way of finding and understanding our purpose, destiny, and mission, and that we are created for. And once we have discovered and understood it, again by faith we dare to move on.
We move to the new, to the vision and the dreams embedded in our hearts. By faith, we overcome all the difficulties on the road as we fulfill our mission and our vocation. This is the way to realize our full and real potential, the way of adventures and surprises, the way of a truly lived life.
God is a Creator and Initiator. So, in each one of us, this creative potential is present. God’s unchangeable goals for us are to live a truly satisfying life with Him and through Him. He wants us to break free from the passive position of a bystander and observer of our lives towards true management and governance, activity, and maturity.
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What is an active faith and how do we get there
The active faith is related to visions and goals. It rests on a heavenly roadmap for our lives – the “high (heavenly) calling”. Generally speaking, these are God’s precious promises, instructions and guidelines revealed in His Word and in the daily fellowship. These are the visions and desires He sows in our hearts. This is the seed on which we can invest and act through faith until it produces fruit in our lives.
It is an important prerequisite to DESIRE and say YES to the God-inspired dreams and desires in us. At the same time, we should submit their fulfillment (the „how and when“) to the One Who initiated them. It is important to understand, accept and acknowledge God’s ways and paths. Simply put, let us hand over also here the steering wheel to God. Because He usually gives us such dreams and visions that far outweigh our capacity and resources. Dreams, which only He is able to bring to a successful end in us, through us, with us.
We move toward active faith by getting to know God and ourselves, our identity and mission. And by practicing the exercise of control and responsibility within our own boundaries (e.g. by growing up in maturity). Another important step is leaving our comfort zones and following God in the deep waters, and the plans and intentions he has put into our hearts. We get away from passivity by fighting fear through faith and unshakable trust in God. And by following Him and learning to recognize His guidance.
The Word tells us that God wants to and fulfills the desires of those who fear Him, and that fulfilled desires and goals are a tree of life. Of course, this is not about selfish desires and passions serving the ego, but about real God-inspired dreams and visions.
Examples of actions motivated by faith
In Hebrew 11 are mentioned many aspects of the walking by faith resulting from the following of the heavenly roadmap and calling in the lives of different people, called „the heroes of faith“. Here are some examples of actions motivated by faith in God’s promises and goals:
- Understanding – we see, understand, and receive God’s vision and plan. Without vision, there is no purpose or realization
- Crossing over and establishing the new – we acquire the ability and power to move into new spheres and to advance towards our goal
- Making choices and decisions that determine the course of our lives
- Blessing the future generations with a prophetic vision – we plant the seeds of the visions and goals of these after us, creating and changing the future in alignment with God’s will
- Gaining power and strength – to create and bring to life our goals and dreams, despite the difficulties and impossible circumstances
- Receiving – blessings, visions, dreams and their fulfillment
- Looking forward to, anticipating (the fulfillment of our goals and desires) and speaking in agreement with what we expect
- Winning and living victoriously – we achieve the original, God-inspired goals and desires of our lives
- Etc.
The initiative, pro-active faith motivates us for changes, new endeavors, new territories, for conscious steps, for strengthening and running in the unknown, untied from the chains of fear.
Your turn
What visions and desires has God planted in your heart? Come and share your thoughts in the comments!
Good post!! Brings every step into view as God’s mission.
Thanks, Jackie! I am happy you found it helpful! Blessings!
I heartily agree that having an active faith means stepping out of our comfort zones!
Thank you, Summer! True – God constantly invites us to step out in a new, unknown and scary places, so we can grow and mature.
Beautifully written!!!