Let God be God – the path to peace is my story of finding freedom and peace when our desires aren’t met.
Continue reading “Let God be God – the Path to Peace”God’s Love is Greater Than Life – 4 Reasons Why
In Psalm 63 David makes an astounding statement – God’s love is greater than life itself. But what makes God’s love greater than life and why?
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How to Get Unstuck and Start Walking Again – 3 Steps
Very often we feel stuck in our faith journey and don’t know how to get unstuck and start walking again. We have not thought it would take so long and would be so difficult.
We struggle with a problem or a situation for a long time, and we still don’t have a solution. It seems we are going in circles, and we don’t see the progress we want so much.
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3 Ways to Handle Responsibly Our Expectations
How can we responsibly handle our expectations and thus increase our satisfaction in life? The hotel is crowded and loud, the desired job comes in a package with a complaining colleague, the attempts to eat healthily fail, a friend refuses to help at the last minute, and the husband has forgotten the anniversary.
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Seriously Write: The Transforming Blow of a Rejection
How do you handle rejection in your work and ministry? See what happens when God brings transformation through rejection in the story I shared on Seriously Write – a platform for encouraging and equipping Christian writers along their writing journey.
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No, My Way Is Not Better than God’s Way
What is the difference between my way and God’s way of meeting needs and fulfilling desires? Why is God’s way the best for us?
No, God Is Not a Means to an End
What are our goals, desires, and priorities? What place do God and the relationship with Him have in them? Is He our main goal, aspiration, and desire? Or do we perceive God as a means to an end? As a means of achieving our own goals and desires for good things? Continue reading “No, God Is Not a Means to an End”
The Price of Following the High Calling
Everyone is called by God to follow His plan for one’s life. This includes restoring our true identity and position in Christ, living as co-workers of God, and sharing the glory of God. Although we are justified by faith, there is a certain price of following. Continue reading “The Price of Following the High Calling”
How to Have an Active Faith
Faith, working through love, is the way of finding and understanding our purpose, destiny, and mission, and that we are created for. And once we have discovered and understood it, again by faith we dare to move on. Continue reading “How to Have an Active Faith”